
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
s. hazaña, acrobacia, cabriola, suerte; noticia sensacional; atrofia, malformación
v. impedir el crecimiento, atrofiar, impedir crecimiento, impedir el crecimiento de, impedir el desarrollo de, no dejar crecer; hacer acrobacias

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- atrofiar | detener | impedir | retardar -
s.- proeza | acrobacia | treta | truco | maniobra | maniobra acrobática | ardid | maña publicitaria | treta publicitaria | montaje publicitario | sensacionalismo

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
achaparrado; especialista (cine)

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = truco, ardid, maniobra.
Ex: People think that that this is just a stunt to generate more traffic to a lamely performing Web site.
* election stunt = ardid electoral.
* political stunt = ardid político.
* publicity stunt = ardid publicitario.
* pull + a stunt = hacer una de las suyas.
* pull + stunt = casi chocar con, pasar casi chocando con, casi llegar a chocar con.
* stunt man [stunt men, -pl.] = doble, especialista.

(v.) = atrofiar, detener.
Ex: True personal discrimination cannot be forced by exercises in selecting the good and rejecting the bad by the application of stock critical formulas: it may indeed be stunted.