
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. rendirse, someterse, darse por vencido, ceder, deferir, doblegarse; presentar, proponer, someter a consideración, ofrecer, brindar; acceder, obedecer, capitular; estar subordinado o sujeto a un proceso o condición

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- someter | presentar | enviar | aducir | afirmar | sostener | concurrir (licitación)

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(v.) = presentar, enviar, remitir.
Ex: Most publications are probably free distribution material and whilst that does not absolve the publishers from the obligation of legal deposit it is probable that many local authorities do not submit their materials.
* resubmit [re-submit] = volver a presentar, volver a enviar, reenviar.
* submit + application = presentar una solicitud.
* submit + bill = presentar una factura.
* submit + information = presentar información.
* submit + petition = presentar una petición.
* submit + project = presentar un proyecto.
* submit + proposal = presentar una propuesta.
* submit + search = hacer un búsqueda.

(v.) = aducir, afirmar, sostener.
Ex: I submit that no ordinary, right-minded library user who is looking for Western Behavioral Institute is going to look under LA JOLLA, California.

* submit to = someter a, sucumbir a.

EN-ES GonzaloDownload this dictionary
v.- [Estud clin Diorki] someter a juicio de alguien