
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. rendirse, capitular, claudicar, darse, darse por vencido, dejarse, entregarse, resignar, someterse; renunciar
s. rendición, abdicación, capitulación, entrega, rendimiento

Wikipedia en español - La enciclopedia libreDownload this dictionary
Surrender puede referirse a:

  • Surrender, película de 1931.
  • Surrender, película de 1987.

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English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- devolver | entregar | renunciar | capitular | rescatar (inversiones) | claudicar | abandonar | abdicar | ceder | presentar
s.- devolución | entrega | rendición | renuncia | rescate (inversiones) | capitulación | claudicación | abandono | abdicación | cesión | amortización

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
(relig) entregar, ofrendar, renunciar, abandonar
self surrender
entrega del sí mismo
abandono, abandono de la propia voluntad

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = entrega, renuncia, capitulación, abandono, rendición.
Ex: This would require central funding, an appropriate communications infrastructure and the surrender by universities of their autonomy over their local libraries.

(v.) = renunciar, abandonar.
Ex: Instead the two ecclesiastical disputes which arose from Diocletian's decree to surrender scriptures must be seen as more disastrous to Christian unity than the destruction of libraries.
* surrender to + pressure = ceder ante la presión.

(v.) = presentar, entregar.
Ex: The book's date label is stamped in the usual way, and the reader must surrender one token for each book he is borrowing.

(v.) = rendirse, capitular.
Ex: And we know that when one side surrenders to another in battle, it's a sign they've given up any hope for victory.