
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. bambolear, bambalear, bambalearse, mimbrear; influir en, influenciar, predisponer; bambolearse, cimbrar, cimbrear, cimbrearse, contonearse, ladearse, mimbrearse, tambalearse; convencer, persuadir
s. balanceo, bamboleo, oscilación, vaivén; dominio, ascendencia, dominación, influencia, influjo, predominio, señorío

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- oscilar | banbolear | ondular | inclinarse | influenciar | influir | persuadir
s.- oscilación | poder

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
1 to hold sway (over something / somebody) dominar (algo / a alguien);
to come under the sway of
estar bajo el dominio de.
<verbo transitivo>
1 [cause to -] balancear.
2 [influence] convencer, persuadir.
<verbo intransitivo>
1 balancearse

hold sway over
dominar, mantener el dominio
swayed back
under the sway of
estar bajo el dominio de

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = bamboleo, balanceo, oscilación, vaivén.
Ex: She has an easy grace about her, a slinky sway to her stride that teasingly invites contact and beckons lecherous admiration.

(n.) = poder, dominio, autoridad, influjo, influencia.
Ex: During this period Africa was influenced by external forces as the Islamic states of the north extended their sway south.
* bring + Nombre + under + Posesivo + sway = subyugar a Alguien, someter a Alguien, sojuzgar a Alguien, dominar a Alguien.
* hold + sway (over) = predominar, prevalecer, controlar, dominar, regir, gobernar.

(v.) = bambolearse, balancearse, oscilar.
Ex: The floor lamp swayed and the window curtains waved back and forth.

(v.) = persuadir, influir.
Ex: Some children are swayed more than others by the attitudes, opinions, behavior of friends and fellows, but none escapes unaffected, not even the outsider, the loner.