take up

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
take up
v.- recoger | absorber | tomar | enrollar | bobinar | templar | utilizar | alojarse
s.- recogido | toma | tensor | enrollado | bobinado | templado | utilización

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
take up with
consultar con
s. tasa de cambio, tasa de compra
v. llevar hacia arriba, izar, subir, subir a; tomar, adoptar, asumir, hacerse cargo, tomar para sí; emplear, ocupar; sacar a colación, traer a colación

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
take up1
(v.) = absorber.
Ex: The rows over Britain's contributions to the Community budget and runaway spending on the the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which took up two thirds of the budget, were documented blow by blow in the press.
take up2
(v.) = retomar.
Ex: The Dainton Report takes up the old cry: The UGC report on libraries has shown how far the incompleteness of the NCL's union catalogues has contributed to the overall delays in its services.
take up3
(v.) = tratar de.
Ex: I'll take the last item up first.
take up4
(v.) = aceptar.
Ex: Wove paper, which was slightly more difficult to make than laid, was very slow to be taken up by the trade.
take up5
(v.) = meter de largo.
Ex: If you are shorter or have very nice toned legs without veins, scars or dark hair, I say take the skirt up a few inches if you want.
take up6
(v.) = ocupar.
Ex: Pumpkin vines are huge and they can take up most of your garden if you are not careful.
(n.) = acogida, aceptación, aplicación, uso, respuesta.
Ex: One of the reasons for the relatively slow take-up of microcomputers in libraries in the Philippines is the problem caused by the multitude of languages used in the island group.
* take-up tray = bandeja de entrada.

EN-ES GonzaloDownload this dictionary
take up
v.- [Sci] captar