
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. obturar, estrangular, regular el flujo de, tapar parcialmente; reprimir, contener; ahogarse, cavitar
s. gaznate, garguero, traquea; válvula de admisión, obturador, válvula de estrangulación; acelerador

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- acelerar | obturar | estrangular | regular
s.- acelerador | obturador | estrangulador | regulador

English-Spanish plastics terminologyDownload this dictionary

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = acelerador, obturador, válvula de admisión.
Ex: When the runway was reachable, I reduced the throttle slightly and started a nice glide to the airport.
* at full throttle = a toda velocidad, a todo gas, a toda pastilla, a todo vapor, a toda máquina, a toda marcha, a toda mecha, a todo meter.
* full-throttle = a toda velocidad, a todo gas, a toda pastilla, a toda máquina, a todo vapor.

(v.) = reprimir.
Ex: The reference librarian must always resist an impulse to be glib; he must scourge and throttle his vanity; he must reach a conclusion rather than begin with it.