
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. inclinar, agalerar, bascular, ladear, mover hacia un lado; luchar en contra
s. inclinación, declive, ladeo; toldo

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- inclinar | ladear
s.- inclinación | ladeo | movimiento vertical | justa (combate)

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
pelvic tilt
(Yogasana) Bascular la pelvis, Basculación pélvica

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = inclinación, sesgo.
Ex: This has contributed to a tilt toward English-language publications in Web of Science.
* at full tilt = a toda velocidad, a todo gas, a toda pastilla, a todo vapor, a toda máquina.
* full-tilt = a toda velocidad, a todo gas, a toda pastilla, a toda máquina, a todo vapor.
* work at + full tilt = trabajar sin respiro, trabajar a pleno rendimiento.

(v.) = inclinar, ladear.
Ex: Manufacturers have produced screens which can be tilted and moved from side to side, together with detachable keyboards which can be placed in the most comfortable position.
* tilt against/at + windmills = luchar contra molinos.
* tilt at + an angle = inclinar.
* tilt + Nombre + out of = sacar de.
* tilt + the balance = desequilibrar.
* tilt to + one side = inclinarse hacia un lado.