
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
s. tubo, caño, conducto, venencia

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
s.- tubo | conducto | trompa | sonda | neumático (llantas)

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
acorn tube
válvula bellora, tubo de capuchón
boob tube
la caja tonta (TV)
disgestive tube
tracto digestivo
nasogastric tube
sonda nasogástrica
open-tube manometer
manómetro de tubo abierto
pollen tube
(bot) tubo polínico
test tube rack
escurridor de probetas
tube worm
vacuum tube
tubo de vacío, válvula de vacío; (Electron., Phys., TV) tubo de vacío
vacuum-tube amplification
amplificación de tubo de vacío
vacuum-tube amplifier
amplificador de lámpara de vacío, amplificador de tubo de vacío
wreathy-tuft tube worm
plumero de mar

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = tubo.
Ex: As the water passes through the sand, unwanted debris is removed and 'clean' water is picked up by tubes on the bottom of the filter.
* CRT (cathode ray tube) = TRC (tubo de rayos catódicos).
* digestive tube, the = aparato digestivo, el; tubo digestivo, el.
* Fallopian tube = trompa de Falopio.
* fluorescent tube = tubo fluorescente.
* go down + the tube = irse al traste, irse a pique, irse a la porra.
* inner tube = cámara.
* pneumatic tube system = sistema de tubos neumáticos.
* test tube = probeta, tubo de ensaño.
* thermionic tube = lámpara termiónica.
* torpedo tube = tubo lanzatorpedos.
* tubeless = sin cámara.

tube2, the
(n.) = televisión, la.
Ex: And we can't do it if we're again slavishly and uncritically, for reasons of imagined cost savings, accepting every damn thing that comes out of the tube.

tube3, the
= metro, el.
Ex: If you look at the tube map northbound is up, southbound is down, eastbound is right and westbound is left.

EN-ES GonzaloDownload this dictionary
pilot tube
s.- [Med] tubo piloto
stomach tube
s.- [Med] sonda gástrica