
Found in thesaurus: uncreativeness, quality

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1. uncreativeness due to a lack of originality
(hypernym) uncreativeness
(hyponym) triteness, staleness
2. the quality of being unoriginal
(antonym) originality
(hypernym) quality
(hyponym) orthodoxy

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Synonyms and related words:
aridity, aridness, banality, banalness, barrenness, cliche, commonness, commonplaceness, corniness, dearth of ideas, dryness, dullness, familiarness, fustiness, hackneyedness, infecundity, infertility, mustiness, platitudinousness, prosaicism, prosaicness, prosaism, prosiness, squareness, staidness, staleness, stolidity, stuffiness, triteness, uncreativeness, unfancifulness, unimaginativeness, unpoeticalness

Source: Moby Thesaurus, which is part of the Moby Project created by Grady Ward. In 1996 Grady Ward placed this thesaurus in the public domain.