
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. aventurar, plantear, poner sobre la mesa; aventurarse, arriesgarse, atreverse, echar suerte, osar
s. aventura, chance, riesgo; empresa arriesgada, empresa comercial; cometido, cruzada

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- osar | aventurarse | incursionar | arriesgarse | atreverse -
s.- aventura | incursión | riesgo | empresa | cometido | proyecto | operación

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
operación o empresa que sugiere un riesgo
cross-company venture
operación conjunta
venture capita
capital riesgo
venture capital
capital de riesgo

Italiano - Español (GI)Download this dictionary
f. suerte
adj. venidero, futuro

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = empresa, proyecto, operación.
Ex: However rudimentary or advanced the system, and no matter what the age of the children involved, certain matters should be considered before setting out on the venture.
* business venture = proyecto empresarial, negocio.
* cooperative venture = proyecto conjunto.
* embark on + venture = embarcarse en un proyecto.
* joint venture = proyecto de colaboración, proyecto común, convenio.
* take on + business venture = emprender un negocio.
* venture capital = capital de riesgo.
* venture capitalist = capitalista que presta capital de riesgo.

(v.) = aventurarse.
Ex: I would venture to guess that he would have characterized these suggestions as the 'eructation of unhealthy souls'.
* nothing ventured, nothing gained = quien nada arriesga nada gana, por probar nada se pierde, el que no se aventura no cruza el mar.
* venture forth = aventurarse a salir.
* venture into = aventurarse a entrar en, osar penetrar, dar los primeros pasos en.
* venture + opinion on = expresar una opinión sobre.

(v.) = aventurarse a decir.
Ex: 'I can certainly understand your concern,' she ventured, speaking with a certain amiable casualness which she hoped would keep the edge off his annoyance, 'but we're really trying to protect the taxpayer's investment and the library's materials'.