
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. fastidiar, acosar, agraviar, amargar, asediar, atribular, causar molestia, contrariar, disgustar, enfadar, enojar, exasperar, fastidiar constantemente, hostigar, irritar, vejar; ser muy molestoso

Wikipedia en español - La enciclopedia libreDownload this dictionary
Vex es una comuna suiza del cantón del Valais, localizada en el distrito de Hérens. Limita al norte con la comuna de Sion, al este con Mont-Noble y Saint-Martin, al sur con Hérémence, y al occidente con Nendaz y Les Agettes.

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English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- exasperar | molestar | enojar | fastidiar | irritar | acosar | agraviar | zaherir | amargar | asediar | atribular | causar molestia

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(v.) = enojar, irritar, exasperar, sacar de quicio, sacar de las casillas.
Ex: The powers-that-be at ISU seem to be a little vexed by the attention they're getting for denying tenure to astronomer Guillermo Gonzalez.

(v.) = afligir.
Ex: But today few people facing death or vexed by poverty would imagine that they could find hope, assistance, or even simple comfort in a visit to an academic philosopher.

(v.) = confundir, desconcertar.
Ex: The gossip this weekend was that he has even been vexed by the problem of how to remove wild rabbits from the racing circuit before the Queen's visit.