
Found in thesaurus: choice, option, pick, selection

Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
s. votación, comicios, elección, referéndum
v. votar, dar el voto, emitir el voto

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
votación | elección | comicios
v.- votar | sufragar | elegir
s.- voto | sufragio | elección

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
(India) Electronic Voting Machine
máquina de votación electrónica
voting shares
acciones con derecho a voto; non-voting shares: acciones sin derecho a voto

SchemmaDownload this dictionary

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = votación.
Ex: This is a non-bibliographic data base which records the complete roll-call of voting by members of Congress.
* voting age = edad de votar.
* voting machine = urna electrónica.
* voting member = miembro con derecho a voto, socio con derecho a voto.
* voting rights = sufragio, derecho a voto, derecho al voto, derecho de voto, derecho a votar.

(v.) = votar.
Ex: Library use, expressed as the ratio between those eligible to vote and those registered as adult readers, was related to such factors as class, topograhy, communications and parking facilities.
* exercise + Posesivo + right to vote = ejercer + Posesivo + derecho al voto.
* have + the right to vote = tener derecho al voto, tener derecho a votar.
* outvote = perder una votación.
* right to vote, the = sufragio, derecho a voto, derecho al voto, derecho de voto, derecho a votar.
* vote against = votar en contra de.
* vote down = rechazar por votación.
* vote + Nombre + off the island = echar por votación, eliminar por votación.
* vote + Posesivo + conscience = votar según la conciencia de Uno.

(v.) = elegir.
Ex: She has been voted librarian of the year because of her work as an advocate and fighter for the freedom of information for the prison population.