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Ganas is an intentional community founded in 1979 in Tompkinsville, Staten Island. Ganas has non-egalitarian, tiered membership groups, and is thus a partial member at the Federation of Egalitarian Communities. The community uses a group problem-solving process called "Feedback Learning", which was begun by co-founder Mildred Gordon. The community attracted press attention after a 2006 shooting incident which led to lurid tabloid headlines. Originally founded with a group of six people, the community has grown to consist of 10–12 core group members plus 60 to 70 members of varying involvement. There are three businesses run by Ganas, including a bookstore-cafe.

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nf. desire; wish
v. gain, acquire; profit, earn; add; win; defeat; capture, possess; reach, arrive; prosper, succeed; flourish, thrive
v. yelp, whine

Babylon Portuguese-EnglishDownload this dictionary
n. Ghana, Republic of Ghana

A Spanish-English Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = urge ; thirst.
Ex: The urge to mechanize paper-making came at first as much from the papermakers' desire to free themselves from dependence upon their skilled but rebellious workmen as from the pursuit of production economies.
Ex: The thirst grew not just for preservation but for circulation of stories that gave meaning to life and coherence to communities.
* con ganas = with gusto.
* con ganas de = thirsty for.
* con ganas de comer algo = peckish.
* con ganas de divertirse = in a festive mood.
* con ganas de pasarlo bien = in a festive mood.
* con ganas de pelear = on the warpath.
* con ganas de vomitar = queasy .
* dar de mala gana = begrudge ; grudge.
* dar ganas = feel like it.
* de buena gana = fain.
* de mala gana = reluctantly ; grudgingly ; grudging ; begrudgingly ; unwillingly ; sullenly.
* entrar sin muchas ganas = traipse into.
* ganas de aventura = thirst for adventure.
* ganas de comer = appetite.
* hacer lo que a Uno le de la gana = get away with + murder.
* juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer = made for each other ; be two of a kind ; be a right pair.
* morirse de ganas por = be raring to.
* morirse de las ganas = salivate at/over.
* no tener ganas = can't/couldn't be bothered ; can't/couldn't be bothered.
* no tener ganas de comer = be off + Posesivo + food ; be off + Posesivo + oats.
* perder las ganas de comer = go off + Posesivo + food ; go off + Posesivo + oats.
* quitar las ganas de = kill + the momentum.
* quitarle a Alguien las ganas de comer = put + Nombre + off + Posesivo +`food ; put + Nombre + off + Posesivo + oats.
* quitársele a Uno las ganas de comer = go off + Posesivo + food ; go off + Posesivo + oats.
* sentir ganas de llorar = feel + weepy ; be weepy ; feel + tearful ; get + (all) weepy.
* sentir las ganas de = get + the urge to ; feel + the urge to.
* sentir más ganas de hacer Algo = grow in + appetite.
* sin ganas = half-heartedly ; tiredly ; wearily.
* tener ganas = feel like it.
* tener ganas de = be keen to ; have + an/the inclination to ; be in the mood for ; feel up to.
* tener ganas de + Infinitivo = feel like + Gerundio.
* tener ganas de llorar = feel + weepy ; be weepy ; feel + tearful ; get + (all) weepy.
* tener muchas ganas de = be raring to.

(v.) = earn ; conquer ; win ; win out ; prevail ; net ; pip.
Ex: The article 'Women in industry: where and how they administrate' concludes that there are fewer women in management than men and they earn less.
Ex: The tools and technologies provided by the Internet enable scholars to communicate or disseminate information in ways which conquer the barriers of time and space.
Ex: Those who perform in this manner can be characterized as those who would 'rather fight than win'.
Ex: It remains to be seen which approach will win out, in the current tug-of-war.
Ex: The emphasis on title entry came from the specialized libraries, primarily the technical libraries, that were small but had the money and the power behind them to see that their view prevails.
Ex: A circle of knitters who meet for a natter have ended up netting a massive £4973 for charity.
Ex: Poland became the biggest net beneficiary from the European Union's budget in 2009, pipping Greece and Spain to the top spot.
* dinero que tanto ha costado ganar = hard-earned money.
* ganar a Alguien sin apenas hacer ningún esfuerzo = beat + Nombre + hands down ; win + hands down.
* ganar aceptación = gain + favour.
* ganar adeptos = gain + currency ; gain + followers.
* ganar a lo grande = win + big.
* ganar bastante dinero = make + good money ; earn + good money.
* ganar cada vez más importancia = go from + strength to strength ; grow from + strength to strength.
* ganar cómodamente = beat + Nombre + hands down ; win + hands down.
* ganar con dificultar = eke out.
* ganar confianza = grow in + confidence.
* ganar confianza en Uno mismo = gain + confidence (with/in).
* ganar cuando todo parece estar perdido = victory from the jaws of defeat.
* ganar de forma abrumadora = beat + Nombre + hands down ; win + hands down.
* ganar de forma aplastante = beat + Nombre + hands down ; win + hands down ; win by + a landslide ; storm to + victory.
* ganar de forma arrolladora = win by + a landslide ; storm to + victory.
* ganar dinero = make + money ; make + Dinero ; earn + money ; earn + a penny.
* ganar dinero a espuertas = earn + big money ; make + big money.
* ganar dinero fácil = make + easy money ; make + a quick buck ; make + a fast buck.
* ganar el pulso = the nod + go to.
* ganar el segundo puesto = win + second place.
* ganar enemigos = make + enemies.
* ganar fácilmente = coast + home ; coast to + victory ; beat + Nombre + hands down ; win + hands down ; walk off with ; win + cheaply ; ease + past.
* ganar fama = win + fame.
* ganar fluidez = gain + facility.
* ganar fuerza = gather + strength ; gather + steam.
* ganar ímpetu = gather + momentum ; gain + impetus ; gather + strength ; gather + steam ; gather + pace ; gather + speed ; build + momentum.
* ganar importancia = grow in + importance ; grow in + strength ; gain + prominence ; grow in + significance ; gain + significance ; gain in + importance.
* ganar la delantera = gain + the upper hand ; have + the upper hand ; win + the high ground.
* ganar la lotería = win + the lottery.
* ganar la palma = win + the day ; come out on + top ; carry + the day.
* ganar la partida = gain + the upper hand.
* ganar la partida a = outmanoeuvre [outmaneuver, -USA].
* ganar la supremacía = win + the high ground ; gain + the upper hand ; have + the upper hand.
* ganarle la mano a Alguien = steal + a march on.
* ganarle la partida a Alguien = out-think [outthink] ; outfox ; outwit ; outsmart ; beat + Nombre + to the post ; out-strategise [out-strategize, -USA] ; outclass.
* ganarle la vez a Alguien = outdo ; trump ; beat + Nombre + to the post ; outmanoeuvre [outmaneuver, -USA] ; out-think [outthink] ; outfox ; outwit ; outsmart ; out-strategise [out-strategize, -USA] ; outshine ; outclass ; overmatch.
* ganar más de un millón = break + the six figures.
* ganar mucho dinero = make + good money ; earn + good money ; make + big money ; earn + big money.
* ganar peso = put on + weight ; gain + weight.
* ganar popularidad = gain in + popularity ; gain + popularity ; increase in + popularity.
* ganar por encima de un millón = break + the six figures.
* ganar por los pelos = pip + Nombre + at/to the (finishing) post.
* ganar + Posesivo + estima = go up in + Posesivo + estimation.
* ganar prestigio = gain in + ascendancy.
* ganar prosélitos = proselytise [proselytize, -USA].
* ganar protagonismo = gain in + importance.
* ganar puntos = win + points.
* ganar reconocimiento = gain + credit.
* ganar resistencia = grow in + stamina.
* ganarse = win over ; propitiate ; play to + Nombre.
* ganarse a Alguien = win + Nombre + heart.
* ganarse a la gente = win + hearts and minds.
* ganarse el apoyo = earn + support.
* ganarse el aprecio = earn + appreciation.
* ganarse el cariño = endear.
* ganarse el corazón de Alguien = win + Nombre + heart.
* ganarse el favor de = win + the favour of.
* ganarse el pan = get + Posesivo + bread ; earn + Posesivo + bread ; earn + Posesivo + bread and butter ; earn + a penny ; bring + home the bacon ; make + a living for the family ; put + bread on the table.
* ganarse el pan con el sudor de la frente = earn + Posesivo + daily bread with the sweat of + Posesivo + brow.
* ganarse el pan de cada día = get + Posesivo + bread ; earn + Posesivo + bread ; earn + Posesivo + bread and butter.
* ganarse el pan honestamente = turn + an honest buck ; turn + an honest penny ; earn + an honest buck ; earn + an honest dollar ; earn + an honest penny ; turn + an honest dollar.
* ganarse el pan honradamente = turn + an honest penny ; earn + an honest penny ; earn + an honest buck ; earn + an honest dollar ; turn + an honest buck ; turn + an honest dollar.
* ganarse el respeto = earn + Posesivo + respect.
* ganarse el sueldo = earn + Posesivo + salary.
* ganarse la aceptación de Alguien = gain + favour with/among + Nombre ; gain + Posesivo + favour.
* ganarse la confianza = win + Posesivo + confidence ; earn + the trust.
* ganarse la confianza de = achieve + credibility with.
* ganarse la confianza de Alguien = gain + Posesivo + confidence.
* ganarse la existencia = earn + a living ; earn + Posesivo + living ; make + a living ; earn + a livelihood.
* ganarse la fama de = earn + a reputation as.
* ganarse las habichuelas = bring + home the bacon ; make + a living for the family ; put + bread on the table.
* ganarse las lentejas = bring + home the bacon ; make + a living for the family ; put + bread on the table.
* ganarse la vida = earn + a living ; make + a living ; earn + income ; earn + Posesivo + living ; make + Posesivo + living ; Verbo + for a living ; earn + a penny ; earn + a livelihood.
* ganarse la vida actuando en la calle = busk.
* ganarse la vida a duras penas = eke out + a living ; scratch (out) + a living ; scrape + a living ; eke out + an existence.
* ganarse la vida honestamente = turn + an honest buck ; turn + an honest penny ; earn + an honest buck ; earn + an honest dollar ; earn + an honest penny ; turn + an honest dollar.
* ganarse la vida honradamente = turn + an honest penny ; earn + an honest penny ; earn + an honest buck ; earn + an honest dollar ; turn + an honest buck ; turn + an honest dollar ; make + an honest living.
* ganarse los garbanzos = bring + home the bacon ; make + a living for the family ; put + bread on the table.
* ganarse partidarios = gather + a following ; win + Nombre + a following ; gain + a following.
* ganarse + Posesivo + afecto = win + Posesivo + affection.
* ganarse + Posesivo + cariño = win + Posesivo + affection.
* ganarse + Posesivo + persona = gain + Posesivo + person.
* ganarse + Posesivo + simpatía = win + Posesivo + affection.
* ganarse + Posesivo + voluntad = win + Posesivo + affection.
* ganarse seguidores = gather + a following ; win + Nombre + a following ; gain + a following.
* ganarse una reputación = achieve + a reputation ; secure + a reputation ; build up + Posesivo + reputation.
* ganarse un lugar en el corazón de Alguien = win + a place in + Posesivo + heart.
* ganarse unos ingresos = earn + income.
* ganar sin ninguna dificultad = beat + Nombre + hands down ; win + hands down.
* ganar sobradamente = beat + Nombre + hands down ; win + hands down.
* ganar terreno = gain + ground ; make + headway ; gain + traction.
* ganar tiempo = win + time ; buy + time ; free up + time.
* ganar una batalla = win + a battle.
* ganar una discusión = win + an argument.
* ganar una elección = win + an election.
* ganar una guerra = win + a war.
* ganar una millonada = earn + six figures ; make + six figures.
* ganar un argumento = win + an argument.
* ganar una rifa = win + a draw.
* ganar un asalto = win + a round.
* ganar un buen sueldo = make + good money ; earn + good money.
* ganar un debate = win + an argument.
* ganar un encuentro = win + a match.
* ganar un partido = win + a match.
* ganar un premio = win + a prize ; win + an award ; earn + an award ; scoop + prize.
* ganar un sorteo = win + a draw.
* ganar un título = win + a title.
* ganar vigencia = gain + currency.
* haber ganado sólo la mitad de la ba = be only half the battle.
* hacer que Alguien se lo gane a pulso = give + Nombre + a (real) run for + Posesivo + money.
* intentar ganar tiempo = play for + time ; temporise [temporize, -USA].
* interés por ganar dinero = profit motive.
* llevar las de ganar = have + the upper hand ; win + the high ground ; gain + the upper hand ; get + a head start ; get + a jump start ; get + the upper hand.
* lo que se gana por un lado se pierde por otro = swings and roundabouts.
* lo que se pierda en una cosa se gana en la otra = what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.
* ni ganar ni perder = break + even.
* no se ganó Zamora en una hora = Rome wasn't built in a day.
* persona que gana mucho dinero = money-maker.
* ¡que gane el mejor! = may the best man win! ; may the best man win!.
* quien nada arriesga nada gana = nothing ventured, nothing gained.
* salir ganando = make + a profit ; compare + favourably ; be better off ; win + the day ; win out ; be better served by ; come out on + top ; carry + the day.
* salir sin ganar ni perder = break + even.
* se pierda o se gane = win or lose.
* tarjeta rasca y gana = lottery scratchcard ; scratchcard.
* tener ganada la mitad de la batalla = be half the battle.
* tener ganada sólo la mitad de la batalla = be only half the battle.
* tratar de ganar tiempo = temporise [temporize, -USA] ; play for + time.

(v.) = whine ; yelp ; squawk.
Ex: Nothing you can do about that so no use whining.
Ex: If you own a dog, you must not allow it to continually or frequently bark, howl, or yelp, disturbing the peace of others.
Ex: Within moments, however, the birds began to squawk, almost scream at each other.

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savage, ferocious, vicious. 2 malignant k.r(tumor