
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. descuidar, abandonar, arrinconar, desatender, hacer poco caso, olvidar
s. negligencia, abandono, dejadez, desatención, descuido, inadvertencia, inobservancia, olvido, omisión, orfandad

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- descuidar | desatender | abandonar | olvidar
s.- descuido | desatención | abandono | dejadez | olvido | inobservancia

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
neglect of duty
incumplimiento del deber

abandono de sí mismo, abandono personal, descuido de uno mismo, dejadez, autonegligencia
through neglect
por negligencia

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = olvido, desatención, abandono, descuido.
Ex: Left hand truncation, which involves the neglect of prefixes or the elimination of characters from the beginning of a word, is also possible in many systems.
* child neglect = abandono de menores.
* neglect of duty = incumplimiento del deber.
* state of neglect = estado de abandono.
* to the neglect of = en detrimento de, para detrimento de.

(v.) = descuidar, desatender.
Ex: It is difficult to neglect either entirely, without impairing the effectiveness in fulfilling the other objective.