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הורד מילון זה
In the Book of Genesis, Hul ( Ḥūl) is the son of Aram, son of Shem. According to the 1st century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, he founded Armenia.

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Harvard Library
The Harvard Library system comprises about 73 libraries, with more than 18 million volumes. It is the oldest library system in the United States and the largest university library and largest private library system in the world. Based on number of items held (including musical scores, maps, prints, recordings, etc.) it is the fifth largest library in the United States; based only on volumes (generally books), it is the third largest, after the Library of Congress and Boston Public Library.

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Kodashim or Kod'shim or Qodhashim (Hebrew קדשים, "Holy Things") is the fifth Order in the Mishna (also the Tosefta and Talmud). Of the six Orders of the Mishna, it is the third longest. Kodoshim deals largely with the religious service within the Temple in Jerusalem, the Korbanot ("sacrificial offerings"), and other subjects considered or related to these "Holy Things".

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