Affinity (law)

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Affinity (law)
In law and in cultural anthropology, affinity, as distinguished from consanguinity (blood relationship), is the kinship relationship that is created or exists between two or more people as a result of somebody's marriage. It is the relationship which each party to a marriage has to the relations of the other partner to the marriage; but does not cover the marital relationship of the parties to the marriage themselves. Though laws vary considerably, affinity does not always cease with the death of one of the marriage partners through whom affinity is traced, nor with the divorce of the marriage partners. In addition to kinship by marriage, "affinity" can sometimes also include kinship by adoption and step relationship.

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Affinity laws
are used in hydraulics and/or HVAC to express the relationship between variables involved in pump or fan performance (such as headvolumetric flow rate, shaft speed) and power. They apply to pumpsfans, and hydraulic turbines. In these rotary implements, the affinity laws apply both to centrifugal and axial flows.

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