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'Asiyyah (Hebrew) [from 'asah to form, fashion] Lowest of the four 'olamim (worlds or spheres) which, according to the Qabbalah, are emanated during a period of world manifestation. This 'olam is termed the 'asiyyatic world (the world of matter, sphere of action), also called 'olam qelippoth, being emanated from the third world or 'olam yetsirah. This fourth world is represented as containing the actual physical matter of the planets or spheres (gilgulim), and is the abode of Sama'el (the Prince of Darkness) and his legions. In this sphere is situated the earth, which is subject to birth, change, dissolution, and rebirth of its matter-forms. In the 'asiyyatic world all the potencies and functions of the preceding or superior worlds are operative, including the powers and functions of the ten Sephiroth, but all greatly diminished or weakened, as being the farthest tip or extremity of the descent of the Septhirothal ray. See also QELIPPOTH