
Babylon EnglishDownload this dictionary
n. point of view, facet; appearance, outlook; direction; action of a verb without relating to its time

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1. a distinct feature or element in a problem; "he studied every facet of the question"
(synonym) facet
(hypernym) feature, characteristic
(hyponym) side
2. a characteristic to be considered
(hypernym) characteristic
3. the visual percept of a region; "the most desirable feature of the park are the beautiful views"
(synonym) view, prospect, scene, vista, panorama
(hypernym) visual percept, visual image
(hyponym) background, ground
4. the beginning or duration or completion or repetition of the action of a verb
(hypernym) grammatical relation
(hyponym) perfective, perfective aspect
5. the expression on a person's face; "a sad expression"; "a look of triumph"; "an angry face"
(synonym) expression, look, facial expression, face
(hypernym) countenance, visage
(hyponym) leer

Babylon French-EnglishDownload this dictionary
nm. look, appearance; air, aspect; side, phase, angle; complexion

Babylon Dutch-EnglishDownload this dictionary
aspect (het)
n. aspect, side, facet; outlook, prospect