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v. závodit s kým/čím; rychle běžet/jet; rychle odvézt/dovézt
n. závod; dostihy; rasa; rod

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Czas. ścigać się; współzawodniczyć; stawiać/zgłaszać do wyścigu/gonitwy; pędzić; gnać
Rzecz. wyścig; bieg; gonitwa; wyścigi konne; rasa

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Synonyms and related words:
Le Mans, accelerate, adolescent stream, affiliation, affluence, afflux, affluxion, air race, animal kingdom, apparentation, aqueduct, arroyo, automobile race, beck, bed, bicycle race, birth, blood, bloodline, boat race, boat-race, boil, bolt, bourn, bout, bracket, braided stream, branch, brand, breed, brood, brook, brooklet, bundle, burn, burst, burst of speed, bustle, canal, canter, career, cast, caste, category, channel, character, charge, chase, chute, clan, class, color, common ancestry, community, compete with, competition, concourse, confluence, conflux, consanguinity, contention, contest, contest of speed, course, crack on, creek, creek bed, crick, cross-country race, crosscurrent, culture, culvert, current, dart, dash, dash off, dash on, dead run, decathlon, defluxion, deme, denomination, derby, derivation, descent, description, designation, direct line, distaff side, division, dog race, dogtrot, donga, double-header, double-time, doubles, downflow, downpour, drag race, drift, driftage, drive, dry bed, endurance race, estate, ethnic group, event, extraction, family, feather, female line, festinate, filiation, flank speed, flat-out speed, fling, flow, flowing, flowing stream, fluency, flume, flurry, flutter, fluviation, flux, fly, folk, footrace, forced draft, form, foursome, fresh, freshet, full gallop, gain ground, gallop, game, games of chance, genre, gens, genus, get going, get moving, gill, go, grade, grain, group, grouping, gulch, gully, gullyhole, gush, hand gallop, hare, haste, hasten, head, heading, headlong rush, headrace, heat, heavy right foot, helter-skelter, hie, high lope, hop to it, horse-race, house, hump, hump it, hurdle race, hurry, hurry on, hurry through, hurry up, hurry-scurry, hurtle, hustle, ilk, inflow, irrigation ditch, jog trot, kidney, kill, kin, kind, kindred, label, lap, lash, lazy stream, leap, level, line, line of descent, lineage, lope, lose no time, lot, make, make haste, male line, manner, marathon, marathon race, mark, match, match race, matriclan, maximum speed, meandering stream, meet, midchannel, midstream, mill run, millrace, millstream, mold, motorcycle race, move quickly, moving road, nation, nationality, nature, navigable river, nullah, number, obstacle race, onrush, onward course, open the throttle, open throttle, order, outflow, patriclan, pentathlon, people, persuasion, phratry, phyle, phylum, pick up speed, pigeonhole, plant kingdom, play, play-off, plunge, position, post, potato race, predicament, press on, push on, put on, put on steam, quicken, race with, racecourse, racing stream, rally, rank, rating, regatta, relay, relay race, rev, rip, rivalry, river, river bed, riverway, rivulet, road race, rubric, run, run a race, rundle, runlet, runnel, runoff, rush, rush through, sack race, scamper, scoot, scour, scramble, scud, scurry, scuttle, section, seed, sept, set, shape, shoot, side, sike, singles, skedaddle, sluice, society, sort, spate, spear side, species, speech community, speed, speed up, speedway race, spill stream, spillbox, spillway, spindle side, sport, sprint, sprint race, spurt, stamp, station, status, stem, step lively, step on it, step up, stirps, stock, stock-car race, strain, stratum, stream, stream action, stream bed, streamlet, streamway, stripe, style, subdivision, subgroup, suborder, subterranean river, succession, surge, swash, swash channel, sword side, tailrace, tear, the like of, the likes of, the turf, three-legged race, threesome, tide, title, torch race, totem, track, track race, trend, tribe, trot, twosome, type, undercurrent, undertow, variety, wadi, walk, water carrier, water channel, water flow, water furrow, water gap, water gate, watercourse, waterway, waterworks, wide-open speed, yacht race, zip

Source: Moby Thesaurus, which is part of the Moby Project created by Grady Ward. In 1996 Grady Ward placed this thesaurus in the public domain.
Free English-Vietnamese DictionaryDownload this dictionary
race /reis/
  • danh từ
    • (sinh vật học) nòi
      • chủng tộc, nòi người
        • the Mongolian race: nòi người Mông-cổ
      • loài, giống
        • the human race: loài người
        • the four-footed race: loài vật bốn chân
      • dòng; giòng giống
        • loại, giới, hạng (người)
          • the race of dandies: hạng người ăn diện
          • the race of poets: giới thi sĩ
      • danh từ
        • rễ; rễ gừng
          • củ gừng
          • danh từ
            • cuộc đua, cuộc chạy đua
              • Marathon race: cuộc chạy Ma-ra-tông
              • arms (armaments) race: cuộc chạy đua vũ trang
              • to run a race: chạy đua
            • (số nhiều) cuộc đua ngựa
              • dòng nước lũ, dòng nước chảy xiết
                • sông đào dẫn nước, con kênh
                  • cuộc đời, đời người
                    • his race is nearly over: đời anh ta đã xế chiều
                  • sự vận hành (của mặt trăng, mặt trời)
                    • (kỹ thuật) vòng ổ trục, vòng ổ bi
                    • ngoại động từ
                      • chạy đua với, chạy thi với (ai)
                        • phóng (xe) thật nhanh, cho (ngựa) phi, cho (ngựa, xe) đua với; cho (máy...) chạy hết tốc độ
                          • he raced his bycycle against a motor-cycle: anh ta phóng xe đạp đua với một mô tô
                          • to race the engine without a load: (cơ khí) cho máy chạy không nhanh quá
                        • lôi (đẩy) (ai) chạy; lôi (đẩy) (vật gì) đi nhanh
                          • he raced me along: nó lôi tôi chạy
                        • vội vã cho thông qua
                          • to race a bill through the House: vội vã cho quốc hội thông qua một dự án
                      • nội động từ
                        • đua
                          • chạy nhanh, quạt nhanh (chân vịt tàu, chong chóng máy bay), chạy quá nhanh (máy)
                            • to race along: chạy hết tốc độ
                          • ham mê đua ngựa
                            • a racing man: người ham mê đua ngựa
                            • the racing world: giới đua ngựa
                          • to race away
                            • thua cá ngựa hết (gia sản...)
                          • to race away one's fortune
                            • khánh kiệt vì thua cá ngựa

                        (C) 2007 www.TừĐiểnTiếngViệt.net

                        Shabdkosh English-Hindi DictionaryDownload this dictionary

                        १. जळी दौडना, शीघ्र भागना, शर्त बद कर दौडना

                        Shabdkosh English-Hindi Dictionary(2009) by Ranjeet Singh Rohilla  (ranjeet.iitr@gmail.com) 


                        १. तेज चाल, प्रगति, शर्त बदी हुई दौड,
                        २. वंश, कुल, जाति, पीढी,
                        ३. जड,
                        ४. श्रेणी, वर्ग,
                        ५. स्वाद, मजा

                        Shabdkosh English-Hindi Dictionary(2009) by Ranjeet Singh Rohilla  (ranjeet.iitr@gmail.com) 

                        This glossary may be freely redistributed and used for both personal and commercial work, as long as you do not sell them.