
Found in thesaurus: line, way, dispatch, despatch, send off, send, direct, divert

Babylon EnglishDownload this dictionary
n. track, path; customary series of stops during a trip; path taken by a data package sent from one point on the Internet to another (Computers)
v. send by a specific route, direct along a particular path; mark a route, chart a course

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WordNet 2.0Download this dictionary

1. an established line of travel or access
(synonym) path, itinerary
(hypernym) line
(hyponym) feeder line
2. an open way (generally public) for travel or transportation
(synonym) road
(hypernym) way
(hyponym) access road, slip road
(substance-meronym) pavement, paving
(part-meronym) bend, curve

1. send documents or materials to appropriate destinations
(hypernym) dispatch, despatch, send off
(derivation) road
2. send via a specific route
(hypernym) send, direct
(derivation) road
3. divert in a specified direction; "divert the low voltage to the engine cylinders"
(hypernym) divert
(derivation) path, itinerary

Babylon German-EnglishDownload this dictionary
Route (die)
nf. route, track, path, customary series of stops during a trip; (Computers) path taken by a data package sent from one point on the Internet to another

Babylon French-EnglishDownload this dictionary
nf. road, way; course, route; path, pathway