
Found in thesaurus: army unit, social unit

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n. small military unit; small group of people trained to work together as a team

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In military terminology, a squad is a sub-subunit led by a non-commissioned officer that is subordinate to an infantry platoon. In countries following the British Army tradition (Australian ArmyCanadian Army, and others), this organization is referred to as a section. In most armies, a squad consists of eight to fourteen soldiers, and may be further subdivided into fireteams.

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WordNet 2.0Download this dictionary

1. a smallest army unit
(hypernym) army unit
(hyponym) firing squad, firing party
2. a cooperative unit
(synonym) team
(hypernym) unit, social unit
(hyponym) A-team
(member-meronym) stringer
(part-meronym) bench

Babylon English-CzechDownload this dictionary
n. četa; jednotka; oddíl; tým; skupina

Babylon English-PolishDownload this dictionary
Rzecz. oddział; brygada