
Babylon EnglishDownload this dictionary
v. join with; join in a social or business relationship; connect to; merge; become attached to; receive someone as a member; find the origins of
n. associate, subsidiary, partner, affiliated group or organization, person who is affiliated

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Network affiliate
In the broadcasting industry (particularly in North America), a network affiliate or affiliated station is a local broadcaster, owned by a company other than the owner of the network, which carries some or all of the lineup of television programs or radio programs of a television or radio network. This distinguishes such a television or radio station from an owned-and-operated station (O&O), which is owned by the parent network.

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WordNet 2.0Download this dictionary

1. a subordinate or subsidiary associate; a person who is affiliated with another or with an organization
(hypernym) associate
2. a subsidiary or subordinate organization that is affiliated with another organization; "network affiliates"
(hypernym) organization, organisation

1. join in an affiliation; "They affiliated themselves with the organization"
(hypernym) join, fall in, get together
(derivation) affiliation, association, tie, tie-up
2. keep company with; hang out with; "He associates with strange people"; "She affiliates with her colleagues"
(synonym) consort, associate, assort
(hypernym) interact
(hyponym) ally
3. join in an affiliation; "The two colleges affiliated"
(hypernym) join, fall in, get together
(derivation) affiliation, association, tie, tie-up

Babylon Italian-EnglishDownload this dictionary
v. sharpen, whet, edge; strop, grind
v. affiliate, become a member, enroll, join up
nm. member, associate, affiliated member; subsidiary, subsidiary company

Babylon English-CzechDownload this dictionary
v. přidružit; přidružený; přičlenění; afilace
n. přičleněná organizace; filiálka