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n. part of the body between the shoulder and the hand
v. equip with weapons; be equipped with weapons

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In human anatomy, the arm is the upper limb of the body, comprising regions between the glenohumeral joint (shoulder joint) and the elbow joint. In common usage the arm extends to the hand. It can be divided into the upper arm (brachium), the forearm (antebrachium), and the hand (manus). Anatomically the shoulder girdle with bones and corresponding muscles is by definition a part of the arm. The Latin term brachium may refer to both the arm as a whole or to the upper arm on its own.

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Arm (disambiguation)
An arm is an upper limb of the body.

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Edward Armitage
Edward Armitage (May 20, 1817 – May 24, 1896) was an English Victorian-era painter whose work focused on historical, classical and biblical subjects.

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WordNet 2.0Download this dictionary

1. a human limb; technically the part of the superior limb between the shoulder and the elbow but commonly used to refer to the whole superior limb
(hypernym) limb
(part-holonym) body, organic structure, physical structure
(part-meronym) brachial artery, arteria brachialis
2. any instrument or instrumentality used in fighting or hunting; "he was licensed to carry a weapon"
(synonym) weapon, weapon system
(hypernym) instrument
(hyponym) bow
(part-holonym) weaponry, arms, implements of war, weapons system, munition
3. an administrative division of some larger or more complex organization; "a branch of Congress"
(synonym) branch, subdivision
(hypernym) division
(hyponym) post office, local post office
4. any projection that is thought to resemble an arm; "the arm of the record player"; "an arm of the sea"; "a branch of the sewer"
(synonym) branch, limb
(hypernym) projection
5. the part of an armchair or sofa that supports the elbow and forearm of a seated person
(hypernym) armrest
(hyponym) writing arm
(part-holonym) armchair
6. the part of a garment that is attached at armhole and provides a cloth covering for the arm
(synonym) sleeve
(hypernym) cloth covering
(hyponym) dolman sleeve
(part-holonym) garment
(part-meronym) cuff, turnup

1. prepare oneself for a military confrontation; "The U.S. is girding for a conflict in the Middle East"; "troops are building up on the Iraqui border"
(synonym) build up, fortify, gird
(antonym) disarm, demilitarize, demilitarise
(hyponym) rearm, re-arm
(derivation) armor, armour
2. supply with arms; "The U.S. armed the freedom fighters in Afghanistan"
(hypernym) supply, provide, render, furnish
(hyponym) munition
(derivation) armament

Babylon German-EnglishDownload this dictionary
Arm (der)
nm. arm, part of the body between the shoulder and the hand; poor, poverty-stricken people
adv. with no source of livelihood, in poverty; indigently, in a destitute manner
adj. poor, needy, destitute, penniless, indigent; inferior, unpretentious, modest

Babylon Dutch-EnglishDownload this dictionary
adv. poorly, indigently, destitutely
adj. poor, penniless, indigent, impoverished, needy, destitute
arm (de)
n. arm, part of the body between the shoulder and the hand (Anatomy); armrest, part of a chair which supports the sitter's arms