
Chinese idioms explained in EnglishDownload this dictionary
chu1 qi2 zhi4 sheng4
Defeat one's opponents by a surprise move.
Winning by novelty or by a surprise attack.

chu1 er3 fan3 er3
Getting what one has given.
Originally meaning that others deal with a person in the way that he has dealt with them. Now used to describe inconsistency or selfishness. Going back on one's words. Contradicting oneself. Compare with 自相矛盾 (zi4 xiang1 mao2 dun4).

hao3 shi4 bu4 chu1 men2, huai4 shi4 zhuan4 qian2 li3
Good deeds don't leave the house, bad acts spread over a thousand miles.
(No further explanation)

ru2 meng4 fang1 xing3
Like waking up from a dream.
Alternative form: 如梦初醒 (ru2 meng4 chu1 xing3).

ru2 niao3 chu1 long2
Like a bird escaping from the cage.
(No further explanation)

qing1 chu1 yu2 lan2 er2 sheng4 yu2 lan2
The blue dye extracted from indigo is bluer than indigo.
Said of a student who excels his teacher or of a late-comer who overtakes the predecessor. Short form: 青出于蓝.