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n. corporation, firm; band, ensemble; basic military unit; people who are visitors in someone's house, guests, visitor (e.g.: "I am having company for dinner tonight"); condition of being with another person or with others; companionship
v. accompany; associate with

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A company is an association or collection of individuals, whether natural personslegal persons, or a mixture of both. Company members share a common purpose and unite in order to focus their various talents and organize their collectively available skills or resources to achieve specific, declared goals. Companies take various forms such as:

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1. an institution created to conduct business; "he only invests in large well-established companies"; "he started the company in his garage"
(hypernym) institution, establishment
(hyponym) broadcasting company
2. organization of performers and associated personnel (especially theatrical); "the traveling company all stayed at the same hotel"
(synonym) troupe
(hypernym) organization, organisation
(hyponym) opera company
(member-meronym) cast, cast of characters, dramatis personae
3. the state of being with someone; "he missed their company"; "he enjoyed the society of his friends"
(synonym) companionship, fellowship, society
(hypernym) friendship, friendly relationship
(hyponym) freemasonry
4. small military unit; usually two or three platoons
(hypernym) army unit
(hyponym) trainband
(member-holonym) battalion
(member-meronym) platoon
(classification) military, armed forces, armed services, military machine, war machine
5. a band of people associated temporarily in some activity; "they organized a party to search for food"; "the company of cooks walked into the kitchen"
(synonym) party
(hypernym) set, circle, band, lot
(hyponym) fatigue party
(derivation) companion, accompany, keep company
6. a social gathering of guests or companions; "the house was filled with company when I arrived"
(hypernym) social gathering, social affair
(hyponym) cohort
7. a social or business visitor; "the room was a mess because he hadn't expected company"
(synonym) caller
(hypernym) visitor, visitant
8. a unit of firefighters including their equipment; "a hook-and-ladder company"
(hypernym) unit, social unit
9. crew of a ship including the officers; the whole force or personnel of a ship
(synonym) ship's company
(hypernym) complement, full complement
(member-meronym) crew

1. be a companion to somebody
(synonym) companion, accompany, keep company
(hypernym) consort, associate, affiliate, assort
(derivation) party

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n. společnost; společnost koho; spolek; sdružení

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Rzecz. przedsiębiorstwo; firma; trupa teatralna; towarzystwo; goście; dotrzymywać komuś towarzystwa