
Found in thesaurus: social unit, unit, gathering, assemblage, squad, team, man

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n. group of people working together on an air or watercraft; team of people working together (i.e. on a stage, construction site, etc.); group of people on a rowing team
n. competitive sport of rowing in a racing shell

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A crew is a body or a class of people who work at a common activity, generally in a structured or hierarchical organization. A location in which a crew works is called a crewyard or a workyard. The word has nautical resonances: the tasks involved in operating a ship, particularly a sailing ship, providing numerous specialities within a ship's crew, often organised with a chain of command. Traditional nautical usage strongly distinguishes officers from crew, though the two groups combined form the ship's company. Members of a crew are often referred to by the title Crewman.

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Crew (disambiguation)
A crew is a group or class of people who work at a common activity.

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1. the men who man a ship or aircraft
(hypernym) unit, social unit
(hyponym) aircrew, air crew
(member-holonym) ship's company, company
(member-meronym) copilot
2. an organized group of workmen
(synonym) gang, work party
(hypernym) unit, social unit
(hyponym) detail
(member-holonym) work force, workforce, manpower, hands, men
(member-meronym) crewman
3. an informal body of friends; "he still hangs out with the same crowd"
(synonym) crowd, gang, bunch
(hypernym) gathering, assemblage
4. the team of men manning a racing shell
(hypernym) team, squad

1. serve as a crew member on
(hypernym) man

Babylon German-EnglishDownload this dictionary
Crew (die)
nf. crew, group of people working together

Babylon Dutch-EnglishDownload this dictionary
n. crew, group of people working together on an air or watercraft; team of people working together (i.e. on a stage, construction site, etc.); group of people on a rowing team