
Chinese idioms explained in EnglishDownload this dictionary
ye4 lang2 zi4 da4
The ridiculous boastful king of Yelang.
The king of Yelang thought his country was larger than it was. This expression refers to a person who is blinded by presumptuous self-conceit. A humblebee in a cow-turd thinks himself a king.

da4 yi4 mie4 qin1
Killing one's blood relations to uphold justice.
Said of a person who places justice and righteousness above family considerations - even by sacrificing his own blood relatives. Compare with 杀妻求将 (sha1 qi1 qiu2 jiang4).

da4 gong1 wu2 si1
The selfless grand duke.
Selfless and just. Unselfish and perfectly impartial.

da4 qi4 wan3 cheng2
A big vessel takes longer to complete.
A great mind takes longer to mature. Often describing persons that become famous in their later years, but also used to console people who have over long years failed reaching their goals.

da4 cai2 xiao3 yong4
Large material for small use.
This is an expression used to describe waste or misuse of valuable materials or talents.

da4 ben3 dan4
Big stupid egg!
You fool!

wang4 zi4 zun1 da4
Having too high an opinion of oneself.
Proud as a peacock. Self-important.

xin1 fu4 zhi1 huan4
A disease in the vital organs.
Literally, "Heart and abdomen afflicted". A hidden danger or disaster. Alternative form: 心腹大患 (xin1 fu4 da4 huan4). Compare with 病入膏肓 (bing4 ru4 gao1 huang1).

tan1 xiao3 shi1 da4
Covet a little and lose a lot.
To seek small gains but incur big losses. Penny wise, pound-foolish.