
Babylon EnglishDownload this dictionary
n. exhibition, showing, explanation; display of public opinion (through a protest march, meeting, etc.); emotional display

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WordNet 2.0Download this dictionary

1. a show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view; "the presentation of new data"; "he gave the customer a demonstration"
(synonym) presentation, presentment
(hypernym) show
(hyponym) exhibition
(derivation) show, demo, exhibit, present, demonstrate
2. a show of military force or preparedness; "he confused the enemy with feints and demonstrations"
(hypernym) show
(classification) military, armed forces, armed services, military machine, war machine
3. a public display of group feelings (usually of a political nature); "there were violent demonstrations against the war"
(synonym) manifestation
(hypernym) protest, objection, dissent
(hyponym) Boston Tea Party
(derivation) demonstrate, march
(classification) politics, political science, government
4. proof by a process of argument or a series of proposition proving an asserted conclusion
(synonym) monstrance
(hypernym) proof
5. a visual presentation showing how something works; "the lecture was accompanied by dramatic demonstrations"; "the lecturer shot off a pistol as a demonstration of the startle response"
(synonym) demo
(hypernym) visual communication
(hyponym) display, show
(derivation) show, demo, exhibit, present, demonstrate

Babylon German-EnglishDownload this dictionary
Demonstration (die)
nf. demonstration, demo, display of public opinion; explanation, showing; emotional display

Babylon French-EnglishDownload this dictionary
nf. demonstration, proof; exhibit, display, object lesson; march past