
Babylon EnglishDownload this dictionary
n. ancestor, forefather
v. refrain from, desist from, hold back

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1. a person from whom you are descended
(synonym) forebear
(hypernym) ancestor, ascendant, ascendent, antecedent, root
(hyponym) grandparent

1. not do something; "He refrained from hitting him back"; "she could not forbear weeping"
(synonym) refrain
(hyponym) leave, leave alone, leave behind
(derivation) forbearance

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v. zdržet se čeho; zarazit se

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v. a.
1. to abstain
چھوڑنا, بچانا, باز رکھنا, دست بردار ہونا, جانے دينا, روکنا, ضبط کرنا, درگزرنا, پرہيز کرنا
Forbear thee from meddling with God.
خدا کے کام ميں دخل مت دو
2. indulge
غم کھانا, برداشت کرنا, تحمل کرنا
n. v.
1. to refrain
باز رہنا, در گزر کرنا, ٹھيرنا, رہ جانا, توقف کرنا, بس کرنا, برداشت کرنا, تحمل کرنا, صبر کرنا
2. decline
انکار کرنا, احتراز کرنا, اعراض کرنا

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Synonyms and related words:
abstain, abstain from, avoid, be patient, bear, bear with composure, bridle, carry on, carry through, cease, curb, desist, dispense with, do without, endure, escape, eschew, evade, forgive, forgo, give quarter, have mercy upon, have pity, hold, hold aloof from, hold back, hold off, inhibit, keep, keep back, keep from, keep in hand, let alone, let go by, let up on, melt, never touch, not touch, not use, pardon, pass up, refrain, refrain from, relax, relent, reprieve, reserve, restrain, sacrifice, save, shun, spare, stand aloof from, suffer, take pity on, thaw, tolerate, wait, wait it out, waive, withhold

Source: Moby Thesaurus, which is part of the Moby Project created by Grady Ward. In 1996 Grady Ward placed this thesaurus in the public domain.