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v. predict, prophesy, tell in advance

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1. foreshadow or presage
(synonym) announce, annunciate, harbinger, herald
(hypernym) tell
2. make a prediction about; tell in advance; "Call the outcome of an election"
(synonym) predict, prognosticate, call, forebode, anticipate, promise
(hypernym) guess, venture, pretend, hazard
(hyponym) read
(derivation) prediction, foretelling, forecasting, prognostication
3. indicate by signs; "These signs bode bad news"
(synonym) bode, portend, auspicate, prognosticate, omen, presage, betoken, foreshadow, augur, prefigure, forecast, predict
(hypernym) bespeak, betoken, indicate, point, signal
(hyponym) threaten

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v. a.
آگم کہنا, پہلے سے جتانا, غيب کي کہنا, پيش گوئي کرنا
For many men that stumble at threshold
Are well foretold that stumble at threshold
Are well foretold that danger lurks within.
لگے گھستے ہي در پہ ٹھوکر اگر تو سمجھو کہ اندر ہے بے شک خطر F.C.

Moby ThesaurusDownload this dictionary
Synonyms and related words:
adumbrate, announce, anticipate, apprehend, approach, augur, await, be destined, be fated, be imminent, be to be, be to come, bode, call, cast a horoscope, cast a nativity, come, come on, declare, disclose, divine, divulge, dope, dope out, dowse for water, draw near, draw on, expect, forebode, forecast, foreknow, foresee, foreshadow, foreshow, foretoken, forewarn, fortune-tell, guess, hariolate, hope, lie ahead, look for, look forward to, loom, make a prediction, make a prognosis, make a prophecy, near, plan, plot, portend, predict, prefigure, presage, proclaim, prognosticate, project, promise, prophesy, read palms, read tea leaves, read the future, reveal, soothsay, speculate, tell fortunes, tell the future, threaten, vaticinate, warn

Source: Moby Thesaurus, which is part of the Moby Project created by Grady Ward. In 1996 Grady Ward placed this thesaurus in the public domain.