go about

Found in thesaurus: move, act

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go about
deal with or take care of, set about, undertake

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go about

1. begin to deal with; "approach a task"; "go about a difficult problem"; "approach a new project"
(synonym) set about, approach
(hypernym) act, move
(hyponym) confront, face up, face

ENGLISH IDIOMS 2.EDITIONDownload this dictionary
go about
be busy with, start working on He has been going about his business all morning although he is feeling sick.

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go about
Synonyms and related words:
about ship, accept, assume, attack, attempt, back and fill, bat around, bear away, bear off, bear to starboard, beat, beat about, become public, box off, break, bring about, bring round, buckle to, bum, buzz about, cant, cant round, cast, cast about, change course, change the heading, circle, circuit, circuiteer, circulate, circumambulate, circummigrate, circumnavigate, circumvent, close the circle, come about, come forth, come full circle, come out, compass, count ties, cycle, describe a circle, divagate, double a point, drift, embark in, embark upon, encircle, encompass, endeavor, engage in, enter on, enter upon, fall into, fall to, fetch about, find vent, flank, flit, fly about, gad, gad about, gallivant, get about, get abroad, get afloat, get around, get exposure, get under way, girdle, girdle the globe, go around, go at, go forth, go in for, go into, go round, go the round, go the rounds, go upon, gybe, gyre, have at, have currency, heave round, heel, hit the road, hit the trail, hobo, issue, jaunt, jibe, jibe all standing, knock about, knock around, lap, launch forth, launch into, lay about, make a circuit, meander, miss stays, mooch, move into, nomadize, orbit, peregrinate, pererrate, pitch into, pivot, pivot about, plunge into, ply, proceed to, prowl, put about, put back, ramble, range, revolve, roam, round, round a point, rove, run about, saunter, see the light, set about, set at, set forward, set going, set to, sheer, shift, skirt, slew, spin, spiral, spread, spread about, spread like wildfire, straggle, stray, stroll, surround, swerve, swing, swing round, swing the stern, swivel, tack, tackle, take on, take up, throw about, traipse, tramp, turn, turn about, turn around, turn back, turn round, turn tail, turn to, undertake, vagabond, vagabondize, veer, veer around, venture upon, walk the tracks, wander, wayfare, wear, wear ship, wheel, wheel about, whirl, wind, yaw

Source: Moby Thesaurus, which is part of the Moby Project created by Grady Ward. In 1996 Grady Ward placed this thesaurus in the public domain.
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go about
go about
  • đi đây đi đó, đi chỗ này, chỗ nọ; đi khắp nơi
    • to go about the country: đi chơi khắp xứ
  • truyền đi, lan truyền, truyền khẩu (lời đồn, câu chuyện)
    • a runmour is going about that...: có tin đồn rằng...
  • khởi công, làm, lo (công việc), bắt tay vào việc
    • you're going about it in the right way: anh bắt đầu làm đúng cách đấy
    • go about your business!: anh cứ lo lấy việc của mình đi!; hãy lo lấy việc của anh đã!
  • (hàng hải) trở buồm, chạy sang đường khác
    • cố gắng
      • to go about to do something: cố gắng làm việc gì

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