make do

Found in thesaurus: move, act, expedient

Babylon EnglishDownload this dictionary
make do
be satisfied with what there is, get along, get by, manage

WordNet 2.0Download this dictionary
make do

1. come to terms or deal successfully with; "We got by on just a gallon of gas"; "They made do on half a loaf of bread every day"
(synonym) cope, get by, make out, contend, grapple, deal, manage
(hypernym) act, move
(hyponym) improvise, extemporize

ENGLISH IDIOMS 2.EDITIONDownload this dictionary
make do
use whatever you can find, substitute, jury-rig When our kids don't have toys, they make do with pots and pans.

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make do
Synonyms and related words:
beget, breed, bring forth, bring into being, call into being, change, change for, coin, commute, compound for, conceive, concoct, contrive, cook up, cope, design, develop, devise, discover, do with, dream up, dub in, engender, evolve, exchange, fabricate, frame, generate, get along on, get by on, give being to, give place to, give rise to, hatch, improvise, invent, make do with, make out, make up, make way for, makeshift, manage, manage with, mature, mint, offer in exchange, originate, plan, procreate, put up with, redeem, ring in, shift with, spawn, strike out, substitute, switch, take in exchange, think out, think up

Source: Moby Thesaurus, which is part of the Moby Project created by Grady Ward. In 1996 Grady Ward placed this thesaurus in the public domain.
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