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v. bring together for breeding; pair, couple; copulate (of animals); marry; achieve the position of checkmate in the game of chess
n. friend, companion; co-worker, colleague; spouse, marital partner; partner; fellow sailor; one of a pair of matched items; each of a pair of animals that live and breed together; position of checkmate in the game of chess
n. South American evergreen bush cultivated for its leaves which are used to make tea; Paraguay tea, beverage made from steeping the leaves of the mate bush in hot water

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Mate may refer to:


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In Latvian mythology, the term Mate stands for "mother", sometimes written in English as Mahte. It was an epithet applied to some sixty-seventy goddesses. They were clearly distinct goddesses in most or all cases, so the term definitely referred to the mother-goddess of specific phenomena.

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Mate (beverage)
Mate (, ; sometimes hypercorrected as maté in English, but never in Spanish or Portuguese), also known as yerba mate, chimarrão or cimarrón , is a traditional South American caffeine-rich infused drink, particularly in Argentina (where it is defined by law as the "national infusion"), Uruguay, Paraguay, the Bolivian Chaco and Southern Brazil, and in southern Chile. It is also consumed by the Druze in Syria, the largest importer in the world, and in Lebanon.

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1. the officer below the master on a commercial ship
(synonym) first mate
(hypernym) officer, ship's officer
2. a fellow member of a team; "it was his first start against his former teammates"
(synonym) teammate
(hypernym) associate
3. the partner of an animal (especially a sexual partner); "he loved the mare and all her mates"; "camels hate leaving their mates"
(hypernym) animal, animate being, beast, brute, creature, fauna
(derivation) copulate, pair, couple
4. a person's partner in marriage
(synonym) spouse, partner, married person, better half
(hypernym) relative, relation
(hyponym) bigamist
(member-holonym) marriage, married couple, man and wife
(derivation) copulate, pair, couple
5. an exact duplicate; "when a match is found an entry is made in the notebook"
(synonym) match
(hypernym) duplicate, duplication
(derivation) match, couple, pair, twin
6. South American holly; leaves used in making a drink like tea
(synonym) Paraguay tea, Ilex paraguariensis
(hypernym) holly
7. informal term for a friend of the same sex
(hypernym) friend
(classification) Australia, Commonwealth of Australia
8. South American tea-like drink made from leaves of a South American holly called mate
(hypernym) beverage, drink, drinkable, potable
9. a chess move constituting an inescapable and indefensible attack on the opponent's king
(synonym) checkmate
(hypernym) chess move
(derivation) checkmate

1. make love; "Birds mate in the Spring"
(synonym) copulate, pair, couple
(hypernym) join, conjoin
(hyponym) nick
(derivation) spouse, partner, married person, better half
2. bring two objects, ideas, or people together; "This fact is coupled to the other one"; "Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man?"; "The student was paired with a partner for collaboration on the project"
(synonym) match, couple, pair, twin
(hypernym) join, bring together
(hyponym) mismate
(verb-group) match
(derivation) match
3. place an opponent's king under an attack from which it cannot escape and thus ending the game; "Kasparov checkmated his opponent after only a few moves"
(synonym) checkmate
(hypernym) beat, beat out, crush, shell, trounce, vanquish
(derivation) checkmate
(classification) chess, chess game

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adj. matt; dull, flat
v. subdue, bring to heel; master, break; watch, look

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nm. mate, Paraguay tea