photographic equipment
photographic equipment
1. equipment used by a photographer
(hypernym) equipment
(hyponym) camera, photographic camera
(part-meronym) flood, floodlight, flood lamp, photoflood
photographic equipment
Synonyms and related words:
burning-in tool, changing bag, closeup lens, darkroom, developing tank, diaphragm, dodging tool, dryer, drying blotter, easel, electronic-flash unit, enlarger, exposure meter, filter, finder, fisheye lens, flash tube, flashbulb, flashcube, flashgun, flashlight, gadget bag, incident light meter, lens, lens cover, lens hood, light meter, photoflash, photoflash lamp, photometer, range finder, reflector, shutter, stroboscopic light, telephoto lens, timer, tripod, varifocal lens, viewfinder, zoom lens
Source: Moby Thesaurus, which is part of the
Moby Project created by Grady Ward. In 1996 Grady Ward placed this thesaurus in the public domain.