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n. gaiety, cheerfulness; pleasantness, geniality; gladness, happiness

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1. a festive merry feeling
(synonym) gaiety
(hypernym) levity
2. a disposition to find (or make) causes for amusement; "her playfulness surprised me"; "he was fun to be with"
(synonym) fun
(hypernym) frivolity, frivolousness
(hyponym) facetiousness
(attribute) playful
3. activities that are enjoyable or amusing; "I do it for the fun of it"; "he is fun to have around"
(synonym) fun, merriment
(hypernym) diversion, recreation

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شوخي, چپلتا, کھلاڑي پن, خوش مزاجي, دل لگي, زندہ دلي

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Synonyms and related words:
animal spirits, animation, capersomeness, coltishness, devilishness, devilment, devilry, deviltry, elan, elfishness, esprit, exuberance, flippancy, foolishness, friskiness, frivolity, frolicsomeness, gaiety, gamesomeness, gayness, gusto, heartiness, high spirits, impishness, levity, life, liveliness, merriment, mischief, mischievousness, piss and vinegar, prankishness, pranksomeness, puckishness, roguery, roguishness, rollicksomeness, rompishness, scampishness, skittishness, spirit, spiritedness, spirits, sportiveness, sprightliness, trickery, trickiness, verve, vigor, vim, vitality, vivacity, waggery, waggishness, youthful spirits, zest, zestfulness, zip

Source: Moby Thesaurus, which is part of the Moby Project created by Grady Ward. In 1996 Grady Ward placed this thesaurus in the public domain.
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playfulness /'pleifulnis/
  • danh từ
    • tính vui đùa, tính hay đùa, hay nghịch, tính hay khôi hài

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