
Babylon EnglishDownload this dictionary
v. ask for, petition for; appeal for; make a request to
n. petition, instance of asking for something; something that is asked for, object of a petition; entreaty; act of asking nicely; demand; requirement; choice

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Request may refer to:
  • question, a request for information
  • petition, a formal document demanding something that is submitted to an authority

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WordNet 2.0Download this dictionary

1. a formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority
(synonym) petition, postulation
(hypernym) message, content, subject matter, substance
(hyponym) application
2. the verbal act of requesting
(synonym) asking
(hypernym) speech act
(hyponym) notification, notice

1. express the need or desire for; ask for; "She requested an extra bed in her room"; "She called for room service"
(synonym) bespeak, call for, quest
(hypernym) communicate, pass on, pass, put across
(hyponym) order
(verb-group) invite, call for
(derivation) asking
2. ask (a person) to do something; "She asked him to be here at noon"; "I requested that she type the entire manuscript"
(hypernym) ask
(hyponym) order, tell, enjoin, say
(derivation) petition, postulation
3. inquire for (information); "I requested information from the secretary"
(hypernym) wonder, inquire, enquire
(hyponym) seek
(derivation) asking

Babylon English-CzechDownload this dictionary
v. požadovat
n. žádost; prosba

Babylon English-PolishDownload this dictionary
Czas. upraszać; prosić o coś; składać wniosek o pożyczkę
Rzecz. prośba; życzenie