
Chinese idioms explained in EnglishDownload this dictionary
yi2 yi4 gu1 xing2
One idea, one way.
Insisting on having one's own way. To cling obstinately to one's course. Compare with 孤行己见 (gu1 xing2 ji3 jian4).

yi4 xiang1 qing2 yuan4
A one-sided wish.
A person who acts completely according to his own wishful thinking, disregarding the wishes of others. One's own wishful thinking. Alternative form: 一厢情愿 (yi4 xiang1 qing2 yuan4).

chu1 er3 fan3 er3
Getting what one has given.
Originally meaning that others deal with a person in the way that he has dealt with them. Now used to describe inconsistency or selfishness. Going back on one's words. Contradicting oneself. Compare with 自相矛盾 (zi4 xiang1 mao2 dun4).

qian2 ju4 hou4 gong1
Arrogant at first and humble later.
Referring to snobby people who treat people according to their wealth and position.

ye4 lang2 zi4 da4
The ridiculous boastful king of Yelang.
The king of Yelang thought his country was larger than it was. This expression refers to a person who is blinded by presumptuous self-conceit. A humblebee in a cow-turd thinks himself a king.

wang4 zi4 zun1 da4
Having too high an opinion of oneself.
Proud as a peacock. Self-important.

gu1 xing2 ji3 jian4
Only the way that is seen by oneself.
To follow one's bigoted course. Compare with 一意孤行 (yi2 yi4 gu1 xing2).

xing4 zai1 le4 huo4
Rejoicing in others' misfortunes.
Said of a person who feels glad when other people are in difficulties.