
Found in thesaurus: be, go forth, leave, go away

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v. stay, sojourn, delay, linger, wait
n. stay, sojourn, delay
adj. full of tar

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1. be about; "The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square"; "Who is this man that is hanging around the department?"
(synonym) loiter, lounge, footle, lollygag, loaf, lallygag, hang around, mess about, linger, lurk, mill about, mill around
(hypernym) be
(hyponym) prowl, lurch
2. leave slowly and hesitantly
(synonym) linger
(hypernym) leave, go forth, go away
(derivation) tarriance, lingering

1. having the characteristics of pitch or tar
(synonym) pitchy, resinous, resiny
(similar) adhesive

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)Download this dictionary
(v. t.)
To wait for; to stay or stop for.
(v. t.)
To delay; to defer; to put off.
(v. i.)
To stay; to abide; to continue; to lodge.
(v. i.)
To stay or remain behind; to wait.
(v. i.)
To delay; to put off going or coming; to loiter.
Stay; stop; delay.
Consisting of, or covered with, tar; like tar.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913), edited by Noah Porter. About
excellence English-Urdu DictionaryDownload this dictionary
v. n.
پيچھے رہ جانا, بلمبنا, اٹکنا, چھا رہنا
2. defer
دير کرنا, درنگ کرنا, ڈھيل کرنا, ملتوي کرنا
3. stay
ٹکنا, ٹھيرنا, رہنا, قيام کرنا, توقف کرنا, دير لگانا
Tarry I here, I but attend on death;
But fly I hence, I fly away from life. (Shakespeare)
ٹھيروں اگر يہاں تو جاؤں ميں جان سے جاؤں اگر يہاں سے تو جاؤں جہان سے F.C.
رال لگا ہوا, دھونا سا

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Synonyms and related words:
abide, await, be still, bide, bide the issue, carry on, cease not, coast, continue, continue to be, crawl, creep, dally, dawdle, defeat time, defy time, delay, dillydally, drag, drag along, drag on, dwell, endure, exist, extend, falter, flag, freeze, go along, go on, goof off, halt, hang about, hang around, hang back, hold, hold everything, hold on, hold out, hold steady, hold your horses, jog on, keep, keep going, keep on, keep quiet, lag, last, last long, last out, lie still, linger, linger on, live, live on, live through, loiter, lollygag, maintain, mark time, never cease, not breathe, not stir, pause, perdure, perennate, persist, poke, prevail, procrastinate, put off, remain, remain motionless, repose, rest, run, run on, settle, shilly-shally, sit tight, sit up, slog on, sojourn, stagger on, stall, stand, stand fast, stand firm, stand still, stay, stay on, stay put, stay up, stick, stick around, stick fast, stop, stop over, subsist, survive, sustain, take time, temporize, tide over, trail, tread water, wait, wait a minute, wait and see, waste time, wear, wear on, wear well

Source: Moby Thesaurus, which is part of the Moby Project created by Grady Ward. In 1996 Grady Ward placed this thesaurus in the public domain.