
Found in thesaurus: sound, blow, move, go, hit

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v. strike with something heavy so as to produce a dull heavy sound; strike with such a sound, pound, knock; walk with heavy steps
n. thud, dull heavy sound like that of a fall; strike or blow that causes a thud

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1. a heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects)
(synonym) thumping, clump, clunk, thud
(hypernym) sound
(derivation) thud
2. a heavy blow with the hand
(hypernym) blow
(derivation) pound, poke

1. move rhythmically; "Her heart was beating fast"
(synonym) beat, pound
(hypernym) move
(hyponym) pulsate, throb, pulse
(verb-group) beat
2. make a dull sound; "the knocker thudded against the front door"
(synonym) thud
(hypernym) sound, go
(derivation) thumping, clump, clunk, thud
3. hit hard with the hand, fist, or some heavy instrument; "the salesman pounded the door knocker"; "a bible-thumping Southern Baptist"
(synonym) pound, poke
(hypernym) hit

Babylon English-CzechDownload this dictionary
v. bouchnout; poplácat; bušit; tlouct
n. bouchnutí; poplácání; bušení; tlučení

Babylon English-PolishDownload this dictionary
Czas. uderzać; grzmocić; walić; bić
Rzecz. uderzenie; walnięcie