
Chinese idioms explained in EnglishDownload this dictionary
wang2 yang2 bu3 lao2, you2 wei4 wei2 wan3
Mend the fold after losing a sheep - it is never to late.
Things may go wrong, but it's never too late to take the necessary measures to prevent further losses. Better late than never! Compare with 覆水难收 (fu4 shui3 nan2 shou1).

qi2 mao4 bu4 yang2
Undistinguished in appearance.
Referring to someone or something ugly in appearance.

fen1 dao4 yang2 biao1
Going separate ways.
Said of people who go their own ways because of different aims and interests.

tian1 bu2 pa4, di4 bu2 pa4, jiu4 pa4 yang2 gui3 zi3 shuo1 zhong1 guo2 hua4
Not afraid of heaven, not afraid of earth, only afraid of foreign devils speaking Chinese.
(No further explanation)

de2 yi4 yang2 yang2
Smug and conceited.
To be immensely proud. To look triumphant. Having one's nose in the air. Alternative form: 得意扬扬 (de2 yi4 yang2 yang2).

gua4 yang2 tou2 mai4 gou3 rou4
Hanging up a sheep's head and selling dogmeat.
Trying to sell goods inferior to what they purport to be. Crying up wine and sell vinegar. Compare with 滥竽充数 (lan4 yu2 chong1 shu4).

wang4 yang2 xing1 tan4
Lamenting one's inadequacy before a vast ocean.
Describing something that is in sight but beyond reach, or someone who knows that he is not as good as others.

qi2 lu4 wang2 yang2
A sheep going astray on a forked road.
Said of the impossibility of finding the truth if one goes in the wrong direction.

luo4 yang2 zhi3 gui4
Paper becoming expensive in Luoyang.
Describing a piece of writing that has become very popular.

yang2 zhi4 hu3 pi2
A goat in a tiger's skin.
Describing a person who is outwardly strong and mighty, but inwardly weak and timid. An ass in a lion's skin. Compare with 狐假虎威 (hu2 jia3 hu3 wei1).

zhi3 gao1 qi4 yang2
Strutting about with high toes and putting on airs.
Said of someone who is arrogant and complacent.