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Órgano (biología)
Un órgano (del latín órganum, ‘herramienta’), en biología y anatomía, es una agrupación de diversos tejidos que forman una unidad estructural encargada del cumplimiento de una función determinada en el seno de un organismo pluricelular. Dentro de la complejidad biológica los órganos se encuentran en un nivel de organización biológica superior a los tejidos e inferior al de sistema.

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UMD@ClickDownload this dictionary
‎سابقة بمعنى عُضْو ; عُضْوِيّ‎

A Spanish-English Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = body ; organ.
Ex: Special rules are includes for specific types of corporate bodies, such as exhibitions, conferences, subordinate and related bodies, governments bodies and officials, and radio and television stations.
Ex: Our own 'Library Journal' and the British 'Library', formerly the official organs of the American Library Association and the (British) Library Association respectively, are good illustrations of this condition.
* órgano consultivo = consultative body.
* órgano de gobierno = governing body ; administrative body ; governing board.
* órgano directivo = governing board ; governing body.
* órgano encargado de bibliotecas = library authority.
* órgano legislativo = legislative body.
* órgano oficial = official body.

(n.) = organ.
Nota: Del cuerpo.
Ex: Fairchild said that all you have to do is scrape an organ with the back of a scalpel to make a discovery.
* donación de órganos = organ donation.
* donante de órganos = organ donor.
* órgano de Corti, el = organ of Corti, the.
* órgano del cuerpo = limb ; body part.
* órgano interno = internal organ.
* órgano reproductor = reproductive organ.
* órgano sexual = sexual organ ; sex organ.
* órganos vitales = vitals.
* órgano vital = vital organ.
* transplante de órganos = organ transplant ; organ transplantation.

(n.) = organ.
Nota: Instrumento musical.
Ex: Individual instruments and instrumental groups are arranged according to their basic mode of performance: PW Keyboard instruments (Q Piano, R organ); RW String instruments (RX Bowed (S Violin), SQ Plucked (T Viola)).

Castellano-CatalánDownload this dictionary
òrgans, orgues

Babylon Spanish-EnglishDownload this dictionary
nm. organ, internal body part; musical instrument that makes sound by pressing air through a system of graduated pipes; any instrument that makes sound similar to an organ (but without the use of pipes)