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紅燕鷗Sterna dougallii)是燕鷗科的一種海鳥。這種有很多不同分佈地區的族群,不同之處主要為喙的顏色及幼鳥的羽毛顏色。

紅燕鷗在北美洲歐洲的大西洋海岸繁殖,並南下加勒比地區及西非越冬。Both the European and North American populations have been in long term decline, though active conservation measures have reversed the decline in the last few years at some colonies.

The tropical forms S. d. korustes and S. d. bangsi are resident breeders from east Africa across the Indian Ocean to Japan. They have more red on the bill. The long-billed and short-winged S. d. gracilis breeds in Australia and New Caledonia.

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