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O conservadorismo ou conservantismo é um termo usado para descrever posições político-filosóficas, alinhadas com o tradicionalismo e a transformação gradual, que em geral se contrapõem a mudanças abruptas (cuja expressão máxima é o conceito de revolução) de determinado marco econômico e político-institucional ou no sistema de crenças, usos e costumes de uma sociedade.

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El conservadorisme és un terme relativista utilitzat per a descriure les ideologies polítiques que afavoreixen els valors tradicionals, és a dir, els costums i creences religiosos, culturals o nacionals. Ja que cada cultura té diversos valors establerts, els conservadors en diferents cultures tenen diferents metes. Alguns conservadors intenten preservar l'statu quo, mentre que uns altres intenten tornar als valors d'una època anterior, l'statu quo anterior.

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A Spanish-English Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = conservator ; curator ; custodian ; standpatter ; preserver ; keeper ; Luddite ; laggard ; conservative ; safekeeper [sake-keeper] ; Tory.
Nota: Nombre y adjetivo referido principalmente al partido conservador del Reino Unido.
Ex: The benefits of an on-site conservation laboratory and conservator are underlined.
Ex: In her previous vocation she served as curator of History at the Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences and later as Assistant to the Director of Johns Hopkins University, Institute of History and Medicine.
Ex: This article maintains that archivists as custodians of the records have an ethical obligation to support the freest possible access to public records.
Ex: The 'standpatters' have seen power shift away from themselves to the newcomers and other lifelong 'progressive' Junctionvillers, who were muted under previous administrations.
Ex: He also lumps himself and librarians together as 'devoted and in some instances veteran pursuers, preservers, and disseminators of truth'.
Ex: Vervliet's involvement with books began with his appointment in 1949 as keeper at the Plantin Moretus Museum in Antwerp, where he acquired a wide knowledge of the history of printing in the Low Countries.
Ex: Librarians who have reservations about the spread of electronically based services are not Luddites.
Ex: Individuals are distributed along a normal bell-shaped curve, with the majority in the large center and innovators and laggards a the the two extremes.
Ex: He ends his book with a discussion of the politicizing effects of the actions of conservatives and loyalists at the end of the century.
Ex: Libraries find themselves frustrated in their role as safekeepers of science: how can they ensure optimal access and availability if they do not control the access systems?.
Ex: The study does not deal with the massive growth of quangos which are overwhelmingly staffed by Tories.
* conservador de documentos = records custodian.
* conservador del archivo = archives custodian.
* neoconservador = neoconservative [neo-conservative].

(adj.) = conservative ; ingrown ; old-fashioned ; backward-looking ; custodial ; conservationist ; illiberal ; risk-averse ; tweedy ; dowdy ; straitlaced [strait-laced].
Ex: There is a tendency to advance propositions premised upon the assumption that SLIS are staffed by inherently conservative, where they are not simply obtuse, individuals.
Ex: Book clubs need not be enclosed, much less ingrown = Los clubs de lectores no deben ser cerrados y mucho menos conservadores.
Ex: One is tempted to say that the enthusiasts for postcoordinate systems, being forced to admit reluctantly that control was necessary, couldn't bear to use the old-fashioned term 'list of subject headings'.
Ex: The book is essentially backward-looking rather than forward-looking in content.
Ex: Broadly, one can distinguish, then, between what one might call the 'custodial' or 'warehouse' aspects of the librarian's task, and the 'communications' aspect.
Ex: The present conservationist approach to librarianship reflects Victorian priorities.
Ex: It is argued that Israel, in spite of its free elections, is an illiberal democracy.
Ex: This is typical of the old corporate forms of hierarchy-based processes and of the 'risk-averse systems that crush new ideas'.
Ex: No bright new digital firm can do without at least some of the supposedly decrepit bureaucracy it so abhors in the old tweedy institutions it wants to replace.
Ex: This article shows how the dowdy and boring image of the stereotypical librarian as presented in fiction, taints the portrayal of all who work in libraries.
Ex: Three years later, when he was fifteen, he slipped into Rachel's bedroom and her straitlaced mother caught them petting and giggling on the side of the bed.
* de un modo conservador = conservatively.
* gobierno conservador = Tory government.
* neoconservador = neoconservative [neo-conservative].
* partido conservador, el = Conservative Party, the ; Tory party, the.

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