National Institute of Aeronautics and Space

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National Institute of Aeronautics and Space
National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (/LAPAN) is the Indonesian government space agency. It was established on November 27, 1963 by former Indonesian president Sukarno after one year's existence of an informal space agency organization. LAPAN is responsible for long-term civilian and military aerospace research. For over two decades, it has managed satellites^ domain-developed small scientific-technology satellites Lapan and telecommunication satellites Palapa, which were built by Hughes (now Boeing Satellite Systems) and launched from the US on Delta rockets or from French Guiana using Ariane 4 and Ariane 5 rockets. It has also developed sounding rockets and has been developing small orbital space launchers that will allow Indonesia to join the space power's club within the 2012-2014 time frame. It has also been reported that LAPAN plans to launch its first indigenous space launcher with a satellite payload some time in November 2013.

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