black art

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Black art
Black art may refer to:
  • Espionage the art and science of eliciting information without consent
  • Guerrilla warfare or civilian warfare
  • Sabotage disengagement activity or deliberate vandalism to an organization
  • Terrorism psychological campaign to weaken morale and increase regression
  • Lock picking is the craft of unlocking a lock by analyzing and manipulating the components of the lock device without the original key.
  • Counterintelligence disinformation activities
  • Assassination is the murder of a prominent person or political figure by a surprise attack, usually for payment or political reasons.
  • Facilitation Social-Engineering
  • Persuasion influencing attitudes, behaviors, decisions, etc.
  • Propaganda form of communication aimed towards influencing the attitude of the community toward some cause or position
  • SERE Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape
  • Money laundering  the process whereby the proceeds of crime are transformed into ostensibly legitimate money or other assets
  • Torture the act of deliberately inflicting severe physical or psychological pain and possibly injury to a person
  • The Art of Deception the art of social-engineering
  • Black art (theatre), an optical effect in stage magic
  • African art, art forms created by black people
  • Black magic, the use of supernatural powers for evil and selfish purposes
  • Surveillance, the monitoring of people
  • Printing, the reproduction of text and images with ink and paper

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Schwarze Kunst
Als Schwarze Kunst wird eine handwerkliche oder künstlerische Tätigkeit bezeichnet, bei der mit Druckfarbe Vervielfältigungen auf Papier hergestellt werden. Im handwerklichen Bereich ist der Begriff direkt oder indirekt mit der Entwicklung der beweglichen Lettern und des Buchdrucks verbunden, wobei sich „schwarz“ auf die schwarze Druckfarbe bei Büchern und Zeitungen bezieht. Im künstlerischen Bereich umfasst der Begriff die Bereiche der Druckgrafik wie KupferstichRadierung und Lithografie sowie die Typografie und Buchkunst.

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Black Art
La Black Art è un'etichetta discografica giamaicana fondata nel 1973 da Lee "Scratch" Perry. Sciolta dopo pochi anni di attività viene rifondata dal figlio Omar, la nuova Black Art, con sede in Gran Bretagna, ristampa singoli sia della vecchia etichetta che di etichette correlate, come la Upsetter Records.

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black art

جادوگرى ،سحر

کلمات مرتبط(2) 

کلمات مرتبط(black art):

بازگشت به واژه black art


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