
Found in thesaurus: notice, conclusion, ending, termination

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\dis*mis"sion\ (?), n. [cf. l. dimissio.]
1. the act dismissing or sending away; permission to leave; leave to depart; dismissal; as, the dismission of the grand jury.
2. removal from office or employment; discharge, either with honor or with disgrace.
3. rejection; a setting aside as trivial, invalid, or unworthy of consideration.
1. official notice that you have been fired from your job [syn: dismissal, pink slip]

2. the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart) [syn: dismissal, discharge, firing, liberation, release, sack, sacking]

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)Download this dictionary
The act dismissing or sending away; permission to leave; leave to depart; dismissal; as, the dismission of the grand jury.
Removal from office or employment; discharge, either with honor or with disgrace.
Rejection; a setting aside as trivial, invalid, or unworthy of consideration.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913), edited by Noah Porter. About
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i. bir kimsenin işine son verilmesi; bir kimsenin işinden atıldığına dair hazırlanmış olan resmî yazı; gönderme işi, başından savma, uzaklaştırma