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El estudio es el desarrollo de aptitudes y habilidades mediante la incorporación de conocimientos nuevos. El sistema de educación mediante el cual se produce la socialización de la persona, tiene como correlato que se dedique una elevada cantidad de horas al análisis de diversos temas. Es por ello que se han desarrollado una serie de estrategias con el fin de que la tarea de estudiar sea más simple y que se logren alcanzar mejores resultados. Si bien estos métodos son variados, es posible destacar una serie de pautas recurrentes.

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Um estúdio ou ateliê é o lugar de trabalho de pessoas com vontade de criar e onde se pode experimentar, manipular e produzir um ou mais tipos de arte. Incluem-se nesta definição não só qualquer pequena sala onde um indivíduo trabalha na sua fotografiavídeoilustraçãoesculturapinturaanimaçãomúsicarádio etc., mas também grandes edifícios, como ocorre na indústria fonográfica e cinematográfica.

etimologia da palavra "estúdio" deriva da palavra do Latim studere que pode ser traduzido como a "ânsia de conseguir algo", também existe como uma adaptação do termo em inglês "studio".

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A Spanish-English Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(v.) = analyse [analyze, -USA] ; envisage ; examine ; explore ; look ; look at ; look into ; ponder (over/on/upon) ; present + discussion ; study ; survey ; think out ; weigh ; work on ; get into ; see about ; observe ; weigh up ; look toward(s) ; review ; work through ; probe ; quarry for ; bone up on ; swot up ; swot ; hit + the books ; pound + the books.
Ex: With a clear objective, the next step is to analyse the concepts that are present in a search.
Ex: It is fairly common to have to modify a standard list, or compile a fresh list when a new application is envisaged.
Ex: The article 'Home schoolers: a forgotten clientele?' examines ways in which the library can support parents and children in the home schooling situation.
Ex: Next I will illustrate a simple search profile which does not explore all possible synonyms, but does serve to illustrate weighted term logic.
Ex: This chapter takes the opportunity to look at an assortment of other aspects of bibliographic description.
Ex: This article looks at three interrelated issues regarding on-line services based on the recent literature.
Ex: The main concern is to look into current use of, and interest in, electronic information services, and also to gauge opinion on setting up a data base concerned solely with development issues.
Ex: If we instruct it to ponder this question more leisurely, it will quickly try the user's patience with digressions concerning the less illustrious senior MOZART, LEOPOLD.
Ex: This article presents a detailed discussion of the use of Hypermedia for authoring, organisation and presentation of information.
Ex: Each of the binders is portable and can be separately studied.
Ex: Chapters 7 and 8 introduced the problems associated with author cataloguing and have surveyed the purpose of cataloguing codes.
Ex: A recitation of the best thought out principles for a cataloging code is easily drowned out by the clatter of a bank of direct access devices vainly searching for misplaced records.
Ex: Examines the advantages and disadvantages of approval plans suggesting that each library must carefully weigh them in order to determine its own best course of action.
Ex: I've been working on next year's budget, and it would be fair to add eight percent to materials and salaries.
Ex: 'But didn't you say that one of the reasons you wanted to leave was because you were tired of macramËéË and wanted to get into computers?'.
Ex: The head of reference told me that he's going to see about a dress code for the staff, prohibiting slacks for women.
Ex: 141 data bases were observed, most of them had been developed in the life sciences as well as in the earth, ocean and space sciences.
Ex: The author weighs up whether a dumbing down has taken place in the UK tabloid and broadsheet press.
Ex: Libraries are looking towards some sort of cooperative system.
Ex: There is only space to review briefly the special problems associated with the descriptive cataloguing of nonbook materials.
Ex: Some theorists hold that one stage must be completely worked through before the next stage can be entered.
Ex: The librarian sometimes must probe to discover the context of the question and to be able to discuss various possible approaches and explore their merits.
Ex: The surviging chronicles, annals, and histories have been extensively quarried for the information they reveal about the events of their time.
Ex: Gain a strategic advantage in pharmaceutical litigation by boning up on epidemiology.
Ex: I did the theory so long ago I will need to swot up again before I do the exam.
Ex: Around the country schoolchildren and university students are swotting and sweating as they prepare to sit papers that could decide their future.
Ex: Plymouth's swimming superstar Ruta Meilutyte is hitting the books as well as the pool in a bid to safeguard her future.
Ex: Every student knows that studying is important, and that its hard to pass your test without pounding the books.
* al estudiar Algo más detenidamente = on closer examination ; on closer inspection.
* estudiar a fondo = delve into ; dig into.
* estudiar Algo = be under consideration.
* estudiar desde una perspectiva = see through.
* estudiar detenidamente = take + a hard look at ; take + a long hard look at ; go through ; be carefully considered ; think through.
* estudiar el modo de = explore + ways in which ; explore + ways and means of.
* estudiar en detalle = study + at length.
* estudiar en el extranjero = study abroad ; study + abroad.
* estudiar en una Universidad = attend + Universidad.
* estudiar hasta muy tarde = burn + the midnight oil.
* estudiar la evolución histórica de Algo = historicise [historicize, -USA].
* estudiar la manera de = explore + ways in which ; explore + ways and means of.
* estudiar la posibilidad = explore + the possibility.
* estudiar minuciosamente = study + in great depth ; pore.
* estudiar + Nombre + teniendo en cuenta + Nombre = place + Nombre + against the background of + Nombre.
* estudiar una alternativa = explore + an alternative.
* estudiar una necesidad = analyse + a need.
* estudiar una posibilidad = explore + an idea.
* estudiar una Titulación = work toward/on + Titulación.
* estudiar un tema = pursue + subject.
* merecer la pena estudiar Algo = repay + study.

(n.) = studio ; den.
Nota: Generalmente, lugar en una casa donde una persona se siente más cómodo y en el que busca la privaacidad.
Ex: The author describes the design of the new studios which aim to be as flexible as possible.
Ex: How to build wall-to-wall bookcases to make your study, den or computer room much nicer to be in and more adaptable for space.
* estudio de arquitectura = architectural firm.
* estudio de cine = film location ; film studio.
* estudio de grabación = recording studio ; sound recording studio.
* estudio de mercado = marketing research.
* estudio de música = music studio.
* estudio de radio = radio studio.
* estudio de televisión = television studio.
* estudio discográfico = record studio.
* filmar en el estudio = film in + the studio.
* grabar en el estudio = film in + the studio.
* programa de estudios homologado = accredited programme.
* rodar en el estudio = film in + the studio.

(n.) = review ; scholarship ; study [studies, -pl.] ; work ; calibration ; surveying ; analysis [analyses, -pl.].
Nota: Proceso de estudio de un todo para encontrar sus partes esenciales y las relaciones existentes entre ellas.
Ex: The review is supported by a complete list of LIPs completed or in progess at Aug 88, followed by references to their reports.
Ex: The most important of the functions of librarians is the collection, preservation and affording access to the materials of scholarship.
Ex: A study of the major general schemes reveals a wide gulf between theory, as outlined in the previous chapter, and practice, as reflected in the major schemes.
Ex: The Classification Research Group (CRG) has been a major force in the development of classification theory, and has made a major contribution towards work on a new general classification scheme.
Ex: This requires careful calibration of reader response and the use of as many quantitative indices as possible.
Ex: The author describes one effort made to counter this trend, through the surveying of the records of a library and the identification of materials to be preserved.
Ex: The operation of investigating a whole with the aim of finding out its essential parts and their relationship to each other is known as analysis.
* abandonar los estudios = drop out (from school) ; drop out of + school.
* ámbito de estudio = scope.
* área de estudio = study area ; study area.
* asignatura de estudios = curriculum subject.
* beca de estudio(s) = study grant ; education grant.
* bolsa de estudios = bursary.
* campo de estudio = field of study.
* centro de apoyo a los programas de estudios = curriculum material centre.
* centro de estudios = study centre.
* comisionar un estudio = commission + study.
* compañero de estudios = co-student.
* con estudios = schooled ; educated ; educated.
* con estudios superiores = highly educated.
* con un nivel de estudios alto = well educated [well-educated].
* cuarto de estudio = study room.
* dejar los estudios = drop out (from school) ; drop out of + school.
* desarrollo del plan de estudios = curriculum development.
* disciplina de estudio = field of study.
* diseñado para el estudio = curriculum-oriented.
* diseño de planes de estudios = curriculum design.
* edad de finalización de los estudios = terminal education age.
* encargar un estudio = commission + study.
* en el estudio = at study.
* enseñanza a través del estudio de casos = case-teaching.
* espacio reservado para el estudio = study space.
* estudiante de bachiller que abandona los estudios = high-school dropout.
* estudiante que ha completado los estudios secundarios = high school graduate ; high school leaver.
* estudiante universitario que abandona los estudios = college dropout.
* estudio académico = academic study.
* estudio basado en un cuestionario = questionnaire survey.
* estudio bibliométrico = bibliometric analysis.
* estudio cartográfico = ordnance survey.
* estudio cinematográfico = film location ; film studio.
* estudio clásico = classic study.
* estudio comparativo = correlation study.
* estudio crítico del estado de la cuestión = review.
* estudio cualitativo = qualitative study.
* estudio cuantitativo = quantitative study.
* estudio de alcance = scoping study.
* estudio de arquitectos = architecture firm ; architectural firm.
* estudio de caso = case study.
* estudio de impacto = impact study.
* estudio de impacto en el medio ambiente = environmental impact study.
* estudio de la productividad = time-and-motion study ; time study ; motion study.
* estudio del estado de la cuestión = survey.
* estudio de los himnos = hymnology.
* estudio Delphi = Delphi study.
* estudio de mercado = market survey ; market research ; marketing audit ; consumer research.
* estudio de radio = broadcasting studio.
* estudio de seguimiento = follow-up study.
* estudio de televisión = broadcasting studio.
* estudio de usabilidad = usability study.
* estudio de uso = use study.
* estudio de usuario = reader survey ; consumer survey ; customer survey.
* estudio de usuarios = user study ; marketing audit ; user survey.
* estudio de usuarios de la biblioteca = library user study.
* estudio de viabilidad = demonstration project ; feasibility study.
* estudio epidemiológico = epidemiological study.
* estudio geológico = geological survey.
* estudio local = area study.
* estudio longitudinal = longitudinal study.
* estudio piloto = pilot study ; pilot test.
* estudio por simulación = simulation study.
* estudio regional = area study.
* estudios = academic background ; course of study ; educational career.
* estudios africanos = African studies.
* estudios afroamericanos = black studies.
* estudios culturales = cultural studies.
* estudios de administración = management studies.
* estudios de auxiliar administrativo = information administration.
* estudios de gestión = management science.
* estudios de la mujer = women's studies ; gender studies.
* estudios de la paz y los conflictos = peace and conflict studies.
* estudios de licenciatura = graduate work ; graduate education.
* estudios de literatura clásica = classical studies.
* estudios del medio ambiente = environmental studies.
* estudios de secretariado = secretarial studies.
* estudios de tipografía = typographical studies.
* estudios empresariales = business studies.
* estudios en el extranjero = study abroad.
* estudios europeos = European studies.
* estudios feministas = feminist studies.
* estudio sicométrico = psychometric study.
* estudios jurídicos = legal studies.
* estudios literarios = literary studies.
* estudios relacionados con las misiones religiosas = missiology.
* estudios religiosos = religious studies.
* estudios sobre la mujer = women's studies ; gender studies.
* estudios sobre paz y conflictos = peace and conflict studies.
* estudios sociales = cultural studies.
* estudios socioculturales = cultural studies.
* estudio topográfico = surveying.
* estudio universitario = academic study.
* finalización de los estudios = graduation.
* finalizar los estudios de BUP = complete + high school.
* grupo de estudio = study circle.
* habitación de estudio = private study ; study facilities.
* institución para el estudio y la conservación del patrimonio cult = heritage organisation.
* jefe de estudios = deputy head.
* jefe de estudios, asesor académico = academic advisor.
* joven que deja los estudios = school leaver.
* libro de estudio = study book.
* materia de estudio = subject of study.
* material de estudio = study material ; course material ; curriculum material ; curriculum resource ; study package.
* mesa de estudio = carrel ; study table.
* mesa individual de estudio = study carrel.
* metodología de estudio = study skills.
* nivel de estudios = educational background ; level of education ; educational level.
* objeto de estudio = subject ; object of study ; under study.
* partitura de estudio = miniature score.
* permiso de estudios = study leave.
* persona que elabora el plan de estudios = syllabus maker.
* plan de estudios = curriculum [curricula, -pl.] ; syllabus [syllabi/syllabuses, -pl.] ; school curriculum ; study plan.
* planes de estudios = syllabi.
* primer año de estudios superiores = freshman year.
* programa de estudio = programme of study.
* programa de estudios = course brochure ; educational program(me) ; school program(me) ; study program(me) ; syllabus [syllabi/syllabuses, -pl.] ; education programme.
* programa de estudios común = common core syllabus.
* programas de estudios = syllabi.
* realización de los estudios escolares en casa = homeschooling [home schooling].
* realizar estudios = do + study.
* realizar un estudio = carry out + a survey ; conduct + survey ; undertake + study ; undertake + survey ; conduct + study.
* realizar un estudio evaluativo = conduct + review.
* reanudar + Posesivo + estudios = resume + Posesivo + studies.
* reforma del plan de estudios = curriculum development.
* relacionado con los estudios = course-related.
* relativo a los estudios de diplomatura = undergrad (undergraduate).
* relativo a los estudios de licenciatura = grad (graduate) ; postgraduate [post-graduate].
* sala de estudio = study facilities ; study room.
* sin estudios = ill-educated.
* técnicas de estudio = study skills.
* tema de estudio = study area ; under study.
* terminar los estudios = graduate.
* tiempo de estudio = study time.
* unidad de estudio = unit of study ; study unit.
* viaje de estudio = study trip.
* zona de estudio = study area ; study facilities.

Castellano-CatalánDownload this dictionary

Babylon Spanish-EnglishDownload this dictionary
nm. study; investigation; research, survey; plan, design; schooling, education; planning; atelier, studio, artist's studio or workroom; room in which reading or studying is done
v. study, learn, educate oneself; think about, ponder; examine, investigate; observe; memorize