URX ZHEN Chinese-English dictionaryDownload this dictionary

Characters with pinyin gū

[gù, gū, gǔ] estimate; guess; merchant; old; presume; second-hand (clothes)

[gū] crying of child; crying sound of child; swear at; wail

[gū] mumble; murmur; mutter; rumble

[gū] father's sister; husband's mother; paternal aunt

[gū] fatherless; lone; lonely; orphan; solitary

[yàn, gū, jie] a feast; banquet; feast; repose; to entertain

[gū] buy; buy and sell; inferior in quality; sell

[hù, gū, hú, huò] bottle gourd; calabash; gourd; pot

[gù, gū] chronic disease; obstinate disease

[guī, gū, háo] comply with; follow

[gū] bind; bind with hoops; hoop; surround

[fá, gū] fine; penalize; penalty; punish; to penalize; to punish

[gū] mushroom; mushrooms

[gū, fěi, fèi] Zizania latifolia; mushroom; wild rice; zizania latifolia

[xù, gū] gather; hoard; save; store; to store

[gū] mole cricket; mole-cricket

[gū, zī] goblet; jug; law; rule; square; winecup

[gū] (surname); crime; criminal offense; sin

[gū, pō] to deal in liquors; to deal in spirits

[gǔ, gū] cobalt; household iron

[gū, gú, jì] refined and; thoroughbred horse

[gū] Francolinus chinensis; partridge; species of Taiwan pigeon


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