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Metale – pierwiastki chemiczne charakteryzujące się obecnością w sieci krystalicznej elektronów swobodnych (niezwiązanych). W przeważającej większości wykazują one następujące własności:
  • tworzenie połyskliwej, gładkiej powierzchni w stanie stałym (bardziej reaktywne metale tworzą na powierzchni warstwę tlenków),
  • ciągliwość i kowalność,
  • dobre przewodnictwo cieplne,
  • szybkie wypromieniowywanie ciepła,
  • bardzo dobre przewodnictwo elektryczne (za przewodnictwo odpowiedzialne są ujemnie naładowane cząstki, czyli elektrony <e-> , które poruszają się w sieci krystalicznej między jonami dodatnimi. Jest to typ wiązania metalicznego),
  • skłonność do tworzenia związków chemicznych o właściwościach raczej zasadowych i nukleofilowych niż kwasowych i elektrofilowych,
  • stały stan skupienia w temperaturze pokojowej (wyjątkiem jest rtęć) i z reguły dość wysoka temperatura topnienia,
  • bezwonność.

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Wikipedia în limba română - enciclopedia liberăDownload this dictionary
Metalele sunt elemente chimice cu proprietăţi fizice specifice, precum: luciu caracteristic, bun conducător de căldură şi electricitate, ductil şi maleabil, şi solid la temperatură obişnuită (cu excepţia mercurului).

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A Spanish-English Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(v.) = pack up ; embroil ; sandwich ; dip ; shove ; bung + Nombe + in ; put in ; take in.
Nota: Usado principalmente para la ropa.
Ex: Unless the distance was short, the books travelled in sheets, unbound, packed up in chests or barrels.
Ex: By the time the weeding was finished in Nov 86, the Society had become embroiled in a major controversy over the handling of this project.
Ex: The paper that is to be examined is simply sandwiched between a sheet of Perspex impregnated with carbon-14 and an unexposed photographic film, and left in the dark for a few hours.
Ex: Two sheets were made each time the two-sheet mould was dipped by the maker into the vat, and they were turned out together on to a single felt by the coucher.
Ex: Meanwhile the journeymen, who had just gone to bed, hearing the row quickly got up again, came downstairs and then shoved me out of the door.
Ex: Instead of bunging it in the washing machine, clean it carefully by hand using lukewarm water.
Ex: For those of you who are not familiar with OCLC and the way we work the data base is not a vast receptacle into which we throw any kind of record that anybody wants to put in.
Ex: Don't worry about it being too loose around your waist, have a someone take the shirt in where it is too baggy.
* a todo meter = full steam ahead ; at full stretch ; at full speed ; at full blast ; at top speed ; at full throttle ; full speed ahead.
* avanzar a todo meter = go + full steam ahead.
* ¡En qué lío cada vez más complicado nos metemos al mentir! = O what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!.
* meter a Alguien de lleno en lo más difícil = throw + Nombre + in at the deep end.
* meter a Alguien en la cárcel = put + Nombre + behind bars.
* meter a la fuerza = ram + Nombre + down + Posesivo + throat ; force + Nombre + down + Posesivo + throat.
* meter a la fuerza de un modo desordenado = stuff.
* meter a presión = wedge.
* meter baza = butt in ; get + Posesivo + oar in ; stick + Posesivo + oar in ; shove + Posesivo + oar in ; put + Posesivo + oar in.
* meter bulla = make + a racket ; hurry up ; rush ; rattle + Posesivo + dags ; get + a wiggle on ; make + a row ; make + a ruckus ; kick up + a row ; get + a move on ; hit + the roof ; kick up + a storm ; hit + the ceiling ; go through + the roof ; go through + the ceiling ; raise + the roof.
* meter cisco = make + trouble.
* meter con dificultad = squeeze in/into.
* meter con un calzador = shoehorn.
* meter de ancho = take in.
* meter de largo = take up.
* meter el dobladillo = hem.
* meter el estómago = hold + Posesivo + stomach in.
* meter el lobo en el redil = set + the cat among the pigeons ; put + the cat among the pigeons ; stir up + a hornet's nest ; raise + Cain ; raise + hell.
* meter en = cram into ; tuck into.
* meter en bolsas = bag.
* meter en ceja y ceja = get it into + Posesivo + head.
* meter en chirona = jail [gaol, -UK] ; gaol [jail, -USA].
* meter en la cabeza = get it into + Posesivo + head.
* meter en la carcel = imprison ; jail [gaol, -UK] ; send up ; send up + the river ; send away ; gaol [jail, -USA] ; throw + Alguien + in jail.
* meter en la mollera = get it into + Posesivo + head.
* meter en prisión = throw + Alguien + in jail.
* meter en razón = speak + sense into ; talk + sense into.
* meter en una bolsa = pouch.
* meter en una jaula = cage.
* meter en un cubo = bucket.
* meterla = dip + Posesivo + wick.
* meterla en caliente = dip + Posesivo + wick.
* meter la nariz en = snoop about/(a)round/into/in.
* meter la pata = bark up + the wrong tree ; be caught out ; put + Posesivo + foot in it ; put + Posesivo + foot in + Posesivo + mouth ; shoot + Reflexivo + in the foot ; stick + Posesivo + foot in it ; screw up ; make + a bloomer ; slip up ; make + a blunder ; drop + a clanger ; drop + a bollock ; blunder ; muck up ; goof up ; fuck up ; eff up ; flub ; blow it (all sky high).
* meter las manos en todos = have + a finger in every pie.
* meter las narices = butt in ; get + Posesivo + oar in ; stick + Posesivo + oar in ; shove + Posesivo + oar in ; put + Posesivo + oar in.
* meter las narices en = snoop about/(a)round/into/in ; poke about/(a)round/into/in ; nose about/(a)round/into/in ; pry (into) ; poke + Posesivo + nose in/into.
* meterle caña a = get + stuck into.
* meterle mano a = get + stuck into.
* meterle un palo en la rueda = put + a spoke in + Posesivo + wheel.
* meterle un paquete a Alguien = throw + the book at.
* meterle un puro a Alguien = throw + the book at.
* meter mano = grope.
* meter miedo = frighten ; scare.
* meter por las narices = ram + Nombre + down + Posesivo + throat ; force + Nombre + down + Posesivo + throat.
* meter presionando = snap into.
* meter preso = imprison ; send away.
* meter prisa = hustle ; chivvy [chivy].
* meterse = meddle (in/with) ; lodge ; get + Posesivo + feet wet ; get in.
* meterse a Alguien en el bolsillo = have + Nombre + eating out of + Posesivo + hand.
* meterse + Algo = slip + Nombre + on.
* meterse con = needle ; pick on ; tease ; twit ; taunt ; jeer ; lam ; have + a go at ; roast ; give + Nombre + a good roasting ; rag ; rib ; pull + Posesivo + leg ; razz ; push + (all of) + Posesivo + buttons ; take + a shot at ; take + a dig at.
* meterse con alguien de + Posesivo + edad = pick on + someone/somebody + Posesivo + own age.
* meterse con alguien de + Posesivo + tamaño = pick on + someone/somebody + Posesivo + own size.
* meterse de lleno en = get + Posesivo + teeth into ; throw + Reflexivo + into.
* meterse de lleno en lo más difícil = swim in + the deep end ; jump in at + the deep end.
* meterse de lleno en lo más difícil = plunge in at + the deep end.
* meterse el dedo en la nariz = pick + Posesivo + nose.
* meterse el uno con el otro = tease + each other.
* meterse en = get into ; step into.
* meterse en apuros = get into + a fix ; get into + a mess ; get into + a predicament ; get into + difficulties ; get in(to) + trouble ; get into + a jam ; get into + a pickle ; get + Reflexivo + into a fine mess ; get + Reflexivo + into a fine mess ; get into + hot water ; get into + trouble.
* meterse en belenes = get in(to) + trouble ; get into + difficulties ; get into + a mess ; get into + a fix ; get into + a jam ; get into + a pickle ; get + Reflexivo + into a fine mess ; get into + hot water ; get into + trouble.
* meterse en camisa de once varas = open (up) + a can of worms ; get into + a mess ; get into + a jam ; get into + a fix ; get into + a pickle ; bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew ; get into + hot water ; get into + trouble.
* meterse en camisas de once varas = get + Reflexivo + into a fine mess.
* meterse en el juego = get in + the game.
* meterse en follones = get in(to) + trouble ; get into + difficulties ; get into + a mess ; get into + a fix ; get into + a jam ; get into + a pickle ; get + Reflexivo + into a fine mess ; get into + hot water ; get into + trouble.
* meterse en la boca del lobo = come into + the lion's den.
* meterse en la vida de Alguien = intrude on + Posesivo + privacy.
* meterse en líos = get in(to) + trouble ; get into + difficulties ; get into + a mess ; get into + a fix ; get into + a jam ; get into + a pickle ; get + Reflexivo + into a fine mess ; get into + hot water ; get into + trouble.
* meterse en los asuntos de = have + a leg in the camp of.
* meterse en + Número + cosas a la vez = have + a foot in + Número + camps.
* meterse en problemas = get in(to) + trouble ; get into + difficulties ; get into + a mess ; get into + a fix ; get into + a jam ; get into + a pickle ; get into + hot water ; get into + trouble.
* meterse en todos los fregados = have + a finger in every pie.
* meterse en un aprieto = get into + a predicament ; get into + a fix ; get into + a mess ; get into + difficulties ; get in(to) + trouble ; get into + a jam ; get into + a pickle ; get + Reflexivo + into a fine mess ; get into + hot water ; get into + trouble.
* meterse en un apuro = get into + a predicament.
* meterse en una situación embarazosa = place + Reflexivo + in an awkward situation.
* meterse en una situación embarazosa = put + Reflexivo + into + position.
* meterse en un barullo = get into + a muddle.
* meterse en un berenjenal = get into + a predicament ; open (up) + a can of worms ; get into + a mess ; get + Reflexivo + into a fine mess ; be up a gumtree.
* meterse en un embrollo = open (up) + a can of worms ; get into + a muddle.
* meterse en un lío = be in trouble ; get into + a predicament ; get into + a muddle ; be up a gumtree.
* meterse la camisa = tuck in + Posesivo + shirt.
* meterse la mano en el bolsillo = dig (deep) into + Posesivo + pocket.
* meterse mano = snog ; pet ; make out ; neck.
* meter una pifia = drop + a bollock ; drop + a clanger ; make + a blunder ; make + a bloomer ; blunder.
* meter una pifica = flub.
* meter un litro en un recipiente de medio = squeeze a quart into a pint pot.
* meter un pifiaso = drop + a bollock ; drop + a clanger ; make + a blunder ; make + a bloomer ; blunder ; flub.
* no meterse donde a Uno no lo llaman = mind + Posesivo + own business ; mind + Posesivo + own business.
* no poder meter baza = not get a word in edgeways ; not get a word in edgewise ; not get a word in.
* no saber dónde meterse de vergüenza = squirm with + embarrassment.
* salir de Guatemala para meterse en Guatapeor = out of the frying pan and into the fire.
* salir de Guatemala para meterse en Guatapeor = out of the fire and into the frying pan.
* sin meternos en el hecho de que = to say nothing of.

Babylon Turkish-EnglishDownload this dictionary
n. metal, any of several solid mineral elements (such as gold, silver, copper, etc.) that are malleable under heat or pressure and can conduct heat and electricity, element yielding positively charged ions in watery solutions of its salts
n. metal

Babylon Spanish-EnglishDownload this dictionary
v. put, place; insert; shove; introduce; enclose; intrude; involve; engage; yank off; gather; deal, give; wager, bet; gamble; invest; cause, make happen, bring about; score, earn a point (in a game, etc.)