
A Spanish-English Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(adj.) = sorted.
Ex: This is an aid to producing properly sorted bibliographies in the format established in the MLA Style Manual.
* bien ordenado = in good order.
* de forma ordenada = in an orderly fashion.
* de manera ordenada = in an orderly fashion.
* de modo ordenado = in an orderly fashion.
* mantener Algo ordenado = keep + Nombre + in order.
* no ordenado = unsorted.
* ordenado por fecha = in date order.
* ordenado por número de clasificación = in class number order.
* resultado ordenado jerárquicamente = ranked output.
* secuencia ordenada alfabéticamente por el nombre del autor = author sequence.

(adj.) = ordered ; orderly ; tidy ; neat and tidy ; ship-shape.
Ex: Work in a duly ordered community should be made attractive by the consciousness of usefulness, by variety, and by being exercised amidst pleasurable surroundings.
Ex: The maintenance of orderly shelf arrangement is often considered an unimportant chore.
Ex: Their duty is to come in before school each morning and check that the book checking system is in order and that the library is tidy and presentable.
Ex: Singers and other entertainers in Burma have been warned to cut out saucy behaviour and be neat and tidy or face the consequences.
Ex: We're spending a lot of time getting the factory ship-shape to be able to make the most of the opportunity.
* bien ordenado = well-kept ; well-ordered.
* limpito y ordenado = spic(k)-and-span.
* mantener Algo ordenado = keep + Nombre + tidy.
* mantener ordenado = keep + Nombre + neat and tidy.
* todo ordenado y limpio = ship-shape and Bristol fashion.

(adj.) = ordained.
Ex: The records of ordained priests, mother superiors and religious brothers and sisters are a neglected but rich source of genealogical information.

(v.) = arrange ; collate ; order ; rank ; sort ; sort out ; grade ; sort into + order ; range ; file ; create + order ; put in + order ; clear out ; neaten (up) ; declutter ; unclutter.
Ex: A catalogue is a list of the materials or items in a library, with the entries representing the items arranged in some systematic order.
Ex: Contents page bulletins which comprise copies of contents pages of periodicals collated and dispatched to users are also reliant upon titles.
Ex: Also, title entries were ordered by grammatical arrangement, rather than in natural word order.
Ex: For example, search software offers the ability to rank the retrieved material according to its relative significance.
Ex: During the construction of a thesaurus, the computer can be enlisted to sort, merge, edit and compare terms.
Ex: Some schools favor subject arrangement, other group together everything by publisher, and others sort everything out according to a theme.
Ex: This had the advantage that the relevance judgments had already been made, and were graded into three levels: High relevance, Low relevance, No relevance.
Ex: Sort packages are designed to sort a specified file of records into order according to a particular field or key.
Ex: Serials can be ranged in the order of the access number, i.e. in the order of their arrival, without distinction as to their size or contents.
Ex: Numbers expressed in digits file before alphabetic characters, so it may be necessary to look in two different places for, say, a date -- 1984 will not file in the same place as ninenteen eighty four.
Ex: The information rich are similarly paralyzed because of their inability to create order from all the information washing over them.
Ex: The archives of Magdalen College were put in order and abstracts prepared in the 15th century.
Ex: Pockets of resistance still remain in Fallujah, but the vast majority of insurgents have been cleared out.
Ex: Many people trim their cuticles to neaten the overall appearance of their fingers and hands.
Ex: My approach to decluttering junk rooms is to do it little by little over several months.
Ex: She explains how to unclutter one's home, one's office and one's life with simple, effective time management, prioritising and planning.
* estar ordenado en forma circular = be on a wheel.
* ordenar alfabéticamente = arrange + in alphabetical order.
* ordenar alfabéticamente palabra por palabra = arrange + alphabetically word by word.
* ordenar las cosas = put + things in order.
* ordenar los documentos recuperados en orden de pertinencia = rank + document output ; rank + documents.
* ordenar mal = misfile.
* ordenar por = file in + order of.
* ordenar por número curren = arrange by + accession number.
* ordenar por orden de importancia = rank + in order.
* ordenar + Posesivo + ideas = collect + Posesivo + thoughts.
* ordenar + Posesivo + pensamientos = collect + Posesivo + thoughts.
* sin ordenar = unordered ; unsorted.
* volver a ordenar = resort.

(v.) = instruct ; enjoin ; finger-snapping ; order ; boss.
Ex: Some of the above limitations of title indexes can be overcome by exercising a measure of control over the index terminology, and by inputting and instructing the computer to print a number of pre-determined links or references between keywords.
Ex: Heightened interest in the nation's founding and in the intentions of the founders enjoins law librarians to provide reference service for research in the history of the constitutional period.
Ex: The stereotype of the decision-maker as a person who does nothing but finger-snapping and button-pushing fades with systematic research and analysis.
Ex: The fighter pilot said he was ordered to fire a full salvo of rockets at the UFO moving erratically over the North Sea.
Ex: At what age should a parent should stop bossing and start letting a person make their own decisions?.

(v.) = ordain.
Nota: En la religión, acto de aceptar a Alguien a una orden religiosa o elegirlo a algún cargo.
Ex: Born in Amite County, Mississippi in 1924, Will Campbell was ordained as a Baptist minister at the young age of seventeen.
* ordenarse a uno mismo = self-ordained.

(v.) = milk.
Ex: Results showed that the first colostrum of ewes milked one hour postpartum had significantly more protein than that of nanny-goats.
* no vendas la leche antes de ordeñar la vaca = don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
* ordeñar una vaca = milk + a cow.
* sala de ordeñar = milking parlour.

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adj. ordered, well-arranged, neat
nm. defendant, accused

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adj. wage, income; pay, salary
ordenado (m)
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ordonné(s) (masc), ordonnée(s) (fem)